Chap 37:Leave After

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Chap 37

"What is happening here?"

Wally looks up at the man on the horse.
He frowns.

"Is there a problem esteemed,Sir?" He asks then let go of the man's collar in his hand.

There are refined men scattered around and a familiar man.

Yu frowns.
"I am an officer. Can you tell me why you are beating these men?"

Wally spits but not as a disrespect.
He has blood on his mouth.

After wiping his mouth he bows respectfully.

"I am just administering Village law esteemed Sir. These men came here to steal a wife. My wife." He said trembling.

Yu raised a brow.

Wally flinched.
He is bowing his head so Yu hasn't directly seen it but Wally is trembling in anger.
He clenched his fist and frown.

"....Yes...My Wife name is Alli."
He loves to be called Geo now.
--is what Wally is thinking but has no intention of saying it.

Yu looks at the small house.
He smirks a bit.

He can give him a better life.
--This is what Yu's thinking.

What everybody thinks.

Wally can tell by those b*stards eyes that they look down on him.
He doesn't really mind.
But he hates how they disrespect his wife.
Like goods that can be sold for a price.
And the fact that if this is in the past and Geo hasn't been forced to marry him....he has no way to win him over against these men frustrates him the most.

"So you beat them all up without asking your wife's opinion?"
Yu asks.

Wally flinched.
He is the man of the house.
There are things that he doesn't have to ask his wife's permission to do.
These men came here to steal his wife...Is it really needed to ask first his wife's opinion?

Geo sneak a peek outside.
He sighs.
"What the---- troublesome men have descended to pissed my husband." He grins.
"So? Let's take a bath together?" Geo pokes Leon's nose.

The baby's face twisted as he scrunched his nose.

Geo giggle and carried the baby to the warm water.


The white clothed man looks at his friend and sighs.
He won't listen to him whatever he says.

This is a very bad manner.
And he is obviously finding a way to argue with the legal husband.

"So? Where is your wife?"
Yu asks.

Wally clenched his fist.
They are commoner.
They can't resist the aristocrat/nobles in this kingdom and officers are law.

"He is inside tending to our son." He said.

"I heard he is not the child's mother."

Wally lowers his head to hide the furry in his eyes.
"Yes. My first wife died not so long ago. But Alli loves our son the same anyways."

"I see. Can you call him so we can clear up the misunderstanding?"
Yu asks.

Wally's face is ugly.
"What misunderstanding?"
He asks.


"Are they here for Geo?" The village people are gathering chatting at each other.

"What brutes! Are they here to steal a wife?"
Another whispers.

"The rice that Geo won hasn't arrived but the flies are already buzzing around." The farmers shake their heads.

"I heard this kind of occurrence is not unusual for the housewives that win the contest. Poor Wally."
Another said.

"What about that? They can't steal a wife even if they want to. Wally loves Geo so much. He won't sell his wife."
A married woman said.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. These men. So many are still single but they are aiming at the married now? Is that some sort of kinkiness?"

Alli's family are also in the crowd.
The sister-in-laws are all chatting and gossiping.
Alli's main family are all looking at their Mother.

"Mother, we shouldn't have given Alli. Look. We might get a fortune out of it." The Eldest shakes his head.

His mother and father glares at him.
"Aren't you the reason why we did that? If not for the bride's price that we get from Wally, would you still be alive?"

"Uh....I am just saying. Don't mind me." The eldest son looks away.

Their mother snorts.
"Men who can only see his beauty are useless. When Alli's infamy is high, they don't even want him to set foot in their house now they want to beg and buy a married man. Even if I sell my son, I sold him to a decent man."

Even the village chief is troubled.
They are just waiting if they will all attack Wally and they will help.
This didn't happen to last year's beauty pageant so they all confused what action to take.


"What misunderstanding you ask? It's your misunderstanding that though you married your wife, you do not own them. They can still choose a better man for himself."

The other men lit up and stagger to stand behind the man on the horse.

"Right! If Alli knows our proposition...He will surely choose us instead of living in this shabby house. Disgusting." Nelson shouted the most aside from the other suitors.

Wally glares at them.

"Yu....Don't do this..." the white clothed man said.

But his friend remains in his position.

The white clothed man sighs.

Wally finally sighs.
"After you hear what he wants to say, will you all go?" He asks looking at all of them with unfeeling eyes.

They all flinched.
The guy has a soft and friendly face despite his huge musculine body and seems very easy to talk to.
But right now he is showing his hidden emotion inside.
The men who got beaten to a pulp steps back a bit.

"Sure. But you also should not force him if he decided to go."
Yu said.

Wally suddenly laughs.
He looks at them without his smiling eyes.

He said but laced in sarcasm.

Wally went inside and sees Geo and Leon smiling at each other.

Leon is tapping Geo's soft skin.
They obviously just got out of the bath.

Wally helps Geo dry his hair with a towel.

"Is it over already?" Geo asks.

Wally can't help but smile seeing him like a cat squinting his eyes as he rubs his hair softly.

"Not yet. They want to talk to you."
Wally said.

Geo giggles.
"But I don't want to talk to them~"

Wally smiles softly and kisses his lips.

"Hmmm..If my husband promised me some....arrangement?"

Wally sighs at one hand squeezing his butt.

He smiles and kisses his forehead.
"Let's just send them all away and you can have all your sleeping arrangements."

Geo claps his hand. Put Leon on Wally's arm.
"Don't let the baby hear Mama."
He said as he smirked.

Wally sighs in relief.
He hugs Leon tenderly.
"I am so mad.....I am so mad it hurts..."


"I'm sorry Leon..Just hug Papa for now."

"Baba! Bababa."
The baby said slapping the back of Wally's head.
Wally wants to think that his son is comforting him and not telling him to move away



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