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Chap 6

After Wally left, Geo went to clean the house and fed the animals.
Went to let Leon sun bath then feed him soft meal.After gathering the soiled clothes and wash them in the river nearby.
Geo just copy what the others are doing. His hands are faster and easily finish.
The baby is resting in his back and even he used a bit force in washing, the baby didn't get startled or cry.
Others find it cute and funny.
The original Alli never went out with the baby before. Now they see him and even washing the clothes.
It seems he really did change a bit.

After washing the clothes and hanging them to dry. He used the boiling water to make a nice bath for the baby.

The era is old and there's no affordable soap so to ordinary villager, it is common not to have a soap to clean but Geo is able to make some scented soap if he was given a chance.
He knows a lot because he used to pretend to be a salesperson in charge of soap distribution to get close to his target.

Home made soaps and candles, he has a previous chance to make them.
He is tempted to try but not now.

After taking Leon for a bath the baby feel drowsy so he put him to sleep while he went to take a cold bath himself.
He prepared water and some tough bread.
The baby wakes up and he is hungry so Geo carry little Leon on his arms while there is a huge basket in his back with the water and bread on it.

"Sister Jenny,I bring little Leon to you."

The woman is in the front yard and feeling the beans

"Ah! Yes." The woman stood up and take little Leon.

"I will go up the forest. If I find something I will give you some. I will be back in an hour. Please take good care of baby Leon."

"Yes, yes. Take care." The woman smiles and take the baby in her arms.

The baby cried because he is not familiar with the woman but after drinking from her he shut up and suck from her.
He is really hungry after all.

Seeing the quiet baby, Geo sighs and went tonthe forest. The forest is in the mountain so it can also be called mountain forest.

There is a knife on his waist for protection from a wild animal attack.


Geo has Alli's memory but it is only useful in understanding common sense and people.
All in Alli's head is men and jealousy.
Good thing that as an expert like Geo, he knows alot of things how to survive in various situations so he is not picky to learb alot of life hacks.

And also picking edible mushrooms is not that hard.
Wild vegetables all around.
Wild critters.

He catches them like swooping water with his hands.
He tied them with a rope made out of vines.

He is sure also find some fruits sour and sweet.
Some bird eggs.
And a little piglet.
The little piglet was caught with a trap.
It is small but plump.

Geo is just walking casually and not really looking for food.
Forest this dense will surely has alot to offer.
Even if ordinary people attempt to do the same as him, they will not go further because there's alot of predators in the forest and nobody will attempt to risk their life for some wild vegeatables and some kilos of meat.
Except for hunters, of course.

Geo only take some of everything.
He is not hoarding not because he cared for eco system but because it will caused a huge uproar if he came back with all his bounty.

After 2 hours, he went back because it will be bad to leave Little Leon to other people for too long.

Happily, Geo went down the mountain forest.
He encounter a huge cat, a tiger but when their eyes met, the tiger didn't come any closer and just hold his stance growling at him.

Geo snorts at the tiger


Geo went to the neighbors house.

"I'm taking Little Leon back. Sorry I am late."
Geo said smiling.

The timid woman looks troubled and stress.

"Little Leon's grandma took him away."

Geo smiles disappears.

"She took him from me. She said she is Little Leon's grandma so she will take the baby instead."

"And you give him to her?" Geo angrily shouted.

The woman got startled.
"What can I do? Little Leon is snatch from me and she is really his grandma and I--"

Geo didn't let her talk more.
He is so angry and put 30 copper on the ground

"This is my payment. And I won't be doing business with you anymore." He said angrily.

Geo went back to their home and put his bounties down.
He is so mad and snatch the large knife hanging in the wall.

Geo has Alli's memory.
Wally painstakingly fall out of the family before he can marry because the head of the family, Wally's step mother is selfish and she treats Wally badly and poorly.
And everytime Wally has a good thing, she will try to take it away making Wally's life mesirable.

"Where is my son?" Geo went to the house in anger.

"Whoa. Whoa. Why are you trespassing? Where is Wally?" The grandmother said eagerly looking if Wally is around.
She heard Wally got a good haul and earn 5 golds.

She is eager to take them. Good thing she saw the baby in their neighbor this morning and snatch him.

The baby is small but it is noisy. Been crying from a long time now and his voice is already hoarse.


This step mother's eyes are greedy.

Hearing the baby's voice that he barely let cry at night hoarse, Geo wanted to slash this old woman's neck and let her blood spilled.
But if she does that her family will not be able to stay.

It is good for him because the original Alli's family is also no good. But Wally has his father and friends in this place.

But not hitting her will not make her feel he is no longer the former Geo so he step forward.
Maybel frowns seeing the angry Gent infront of her.

"What are you glaring at me?"

"Give me back my son!"

"Your son? Who? You don't even know how to take care of your son and giving him away so others will take care of him. Go away. I will not talk to you."
Maybel snorts.

Geo grinds his teeth.
If he has his poisoned needle, he will let this woman unable to move instantly and won't be opening her dirty mouth anymore.


My sister~~~
Is crazy~~~~~

K.S.A is crazy.

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