Simple Happiness

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Chap 8

Geo sighs.
Wally knows how to cook doesn't mean it will taste good.

"You bring the knife?"
Wally asks looking at the long knife.

"I want to scare her but If really swing it to her face, I am afraid I will really kill her."

"You should not associates with them too much. She always find trouble to me. Maybe she heard I earned 5 golds."

"5 golds?" Even he blinks and amaze.
"Just a couple of hours?"

"I caught a lot of expensive fish. I bring you some so you can have a taste."
Wally smiles.

Geo nods.
"Okay. That is good. You can buy powder formula for Leon."

Wally nods.

"I also put the piglet and the fowl in the chicken coop. Do you want to sell the piglet or let it grow?" He asks.

"Grow. I will let it grow. We can eat the meat make alot of oil out of it or sell it. Its too small now but its very healthy." Geo says happily.
He took a mouthful of food and chew merrily.

"I will go to the field after eating. Stay here and rest."
Wally said and extend his hand to rub Alli's cheek.

Geo blushes and nod.
"I will sun dry the mushroom and I even got some more eggs. I will cook a nice pastry for you to eat."

Wally smiles and take his hand back.

William went home and see his wife crying.
He frowns.
"Crying all day? What did you do? There's no food at home yet you are here howling like a ghost."

Maybel angrily pouts.
"Yoy have daughters-in-law. Why don't they cook? I am pitiful. They didn't even came out to support me when I am getting bullied. Nobody cared about me because I am useless and old?"

William shakes his head in anger.
How is his wife useless.
He makes those daughters-in-law work too hard for her as if they are her maid.
All she does is cook and she is still complaining?

"You won't cook then do not eat."

Maybel sees her husband angry and change attitude.

"Husband, that Gent hit me. He hits me. He is so bold and cursed me. He even curse those who tries to help me. Now nobody wants to help me because of him."

William glances at her.
"Why would Alli come here?"

"I only took our grandson. He dares give our grandson to the neighbor. They feeding him and taking care of our grandson. I only took him so I can take good care of the baby."

William snorts.
"You? Taking care of Wally's son? I never seen you so kind."

Maybel angrily stomp.
"Why don't you believe me? He is so bad. He even married Wally through deceptions! You still depend him and not me?"

William frowns.
He wants to believe his son that Alli is really kind now. But his wife also has a point.
"Did he really leave the baby in the neighbor? There must be some reason."

Old Maybel snorts.
"What reason? He went away and hook up with a man somewhere, obviously."

William face darken.
"Watch your mouth! Do you wish to tatter the reputation of Wally's wife?"

Old Maybel snorts again.
"What reputation? He has none! Threatens to kill me and kick my face. Look at me. He is so bad."

"Shut up! Go and cook. I will go and talk to Wally."

Old Maybel's eyes shone.
"Ask Wally to give me some gold coin. My face hurts. I want to get a doctor."

William snorts.
If he really get some gold,Old Maybel will rather keep it than to call a doctor.
Calling a doctor for Old Maybel is like killing her because she will have to pay and give her money away.

William went to the house uphill.
There are neighbors around but there is only one house uphill.

William paused seeing Wally and Alli in the door kissing.

He even felt shy given his age.
How can they be so bold to kiss there? But it is also understandable. The neighbors are far away. They can be as bold as they want and nobody will be able to see.

William become more confuse.
Seeing Wally grinning from ear to ear and Alli smiling back at him while carrying Baby Leon in his arms, they look like a perfect loving family.
There's no way to believe Old Maybel's words.


Of course Geo knows someone is watching them but he doesn't care since he is Wally's dad.
Wally care for his father so he will be respectful to him too.

"Dad." He said smilling.

William felt a bit guilty.
He came here to ask if Old Maybel said is true but how can he say that now?

"Dad, what's wrong?" Wally asks and pull the wodden gate for him to enter.

William waves his hand

"Are you going to the field? I will go with you." He said.

"Come in first,Dad. I made some pastries. You can eat here and play with baby Leon."

William felt that Alli really change.
His voice is also soft and nice to hear.
Unlike before when he can only shriek and shout, so horrible, even startling the baby.

"Dad, come in." Wally said with a smile.
He is happy that Alli is being good to his father.
His heart is swelling.
It's too happy.

The old William went inside and ate the simple chiffon cake Alli made.
Then the old man carry his grandson and laugh merrily.
Geo gave him some mushrooms and eggs.
They didn't talk about what happened with Old Maybel so their mood will not get spoiled.

Then Wally went to the field with his father.

"He looks like he loves you so much now."
William said smacking his mouth a bit.
He likes the pastry and it leaves a good feeling. Though his teeth are strong he still appreciates easy to chew food like those.

"He used too much sugar. Will you be okay?" He said frowning after tasting that sweetness.

"Yes. I will buy some supply at the town tomorrow. I will buy baby Leon's formula and some spices he wants to stock at home."

Wally said blushing.
He didn't know if Alli likes him.
He is afraid to startle him and makes him hate kissing so he is slowly letting him get use to it.
Sooner....Maybe they can roll in the sheet?
He is eager to try but afraid to fail.
Wally scratches his head.
He is not even scared to face a shark so its funny to be scared to get his wife angry.



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