Most Beautiful

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Chap 30

Wally wakes up alone in the bed.
Lately, his wife been engrossed at this hobby of making clothes.
All his clothes before are now been disposed by Alli...No..He is not Alli now, It's Geo.
It seems that name is his real name that her mother think of if he become a male but change it when they find out he is a Gent. He did use this name before and Alli--Geo likes this name more.

"Husband, look, I made us a pair of sleepwears! Its a matching design for us three. I made Little Leon's version when he turns 2 years old and.a bit taller. What do you say?" He asks happily.

"Its very lovely..And easy to remove." He said and kisses his lips.
"Its too early. Why don't you go back to sleep while I go out to check our field?"

"Hmmm... I am not sleepy though. I'll just continue making more clothes. I also have cotton so I will make a jacket for us three too."

"If you like it then its fine but don't overwork."

Geo pouts.
"I am only overwork on bed..."

Wally laughs.
"Your fault not mine."

Geo's eyes dilated.

"Cause your too sexy."
Wally kisses him again and will go to his field but his wife will not allow him to go without eating first.

Sandrea comes instead of Hannah.

Sandrea is a coward but she can take care of Leon more attentively so Geo has no reason to deny her.
Hannah is already having a huge bump and so he is afraid to leave Leon to her and also for her safety reasons.
This is not a modern era where a doctor is one drive away after all.

Sandrea is not as shy type as Hannah and a bit of a gossiper but she is not one to gossips like his sister in laws in his side.

She at least know what to be talk about and what topic to avoid.

"Are you going to go somewhere today? I heard the festival in town will start tomorrow." Sandrea said.

"I don't want to go out today. I will be making clothes for our family today." Geo said happily.

Sandrea stares at Geo's face for a while then she sadly looks away.

"Is there something wrong with my face?" Geo asks

"Ah! N-no.. ahahaha...No."

Geo smiles.
"Come on, don't be shy."

"There is a competition yearly....You never attend but...Will you this year? Represent the married woman from our village?"

"I am a Gent though." He smiles.

"Gents are wives too. If you attend and won...Our village will be winning sacks of rice and salts. The participant will have the bigger cut but the rest of the village will also get some. Its very important comeptition for small villagers like us."

"Oh...That...." Geo scratches his cheek.
He does know he is a bit to the handsome side but to say he will win against woman in a beauty contest is like being too coinceited right?

"I don't know."
He shyly giggles.

"Last year, we come close to third runner up. Recy just got married. There is even a rumor that she only got married to participate but we still lost to the Silo Village. We only recieved some 4 pcs eggs and 2 kilo of flour. I think if its you...You will be a sure winner."
Sandrea keeps on egging him.

Geo is flattered.
He always enjoy being praised but he doesn't put it to heart.
Men has a sharp and masculine part that others don't like while woman are soft and tender without those adam's apple and facial hairs.
Though he doesn't have facial hairs too.

When Leon cried he stands up and leave his clothed making and play with Leon. Though Sandrea is here. He rather be the one who takes more care of Leon.

Wally is quiet when he returns.
He is in a sour mood but not that foul.
Sandrea went home already.

"Husband? Is there some problem?"

Wally sighs and hugs him..
"You are mine."

Geo laughs at him.
"Did someone says I am not? You silly man."
He hugs him back.

"Village Chief talked to me this afternoon. He...wanted me to asked you to join this competition in the town."

Geo eyes widen.
He smiles.
"Sandrea told me about that too. Am I really pretty? What if we lost because of me? Im a Gent afterall."

Wally glares at him.
"Are you serious?"

Geo laughs.
"In your eyes I am the most beautiful...But this is a competition and you are not the judge. I don't think I can win against woman softness."

Wally angrily stands up and scoops him to his arms.


"I'll make you pay for provoking me."

"Yay~~ Punishment from husband is the best!"

The two are getting horny but the baby is also have his needs.

The two separates after hearing a complaining baby who needs to drink his milk or change his diaper.

Geo is lying on the bed thinking about it seriously while Wally change Leon's diaper.

"I will join." He said to Wally.

Wally looks really unhappy.

"They will make you dress something inappropriate. I told the village chief you won't join."

"Eh? Not even asking me first?" Geo is surprise and not mad. Wally is just your honest type of husband who will never decide for you whatever it is.


Geo laughs.
"Come on. I want to be crowned the most beautiful wife."
He saud teasing Wally with his feet that is sliding up and down in his leg.

Wally glares.
Leon is still awake.
Sex is most likely unavailable today.

Yet Geo wears his new robe and seducingly showing his bare white leg.

Geo chuckles and lay on the bed, stomach first. He is facing his butt toward Wally who is rocking the baby to sleep.

"Your mother needs to be spank." Wally said as he gulps his saliva.

Geo smiles as he waited for the naughty husband.
And that spank he is waiting for happen just a minutes ago.
Also that hand that spanks him didn't leave his butt again.

"Wait till Leon fell asleep~~" he teased.

Wally sighs and move to the living room.

Geo chuckles happily and fell asleep with a grin.

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