Chap 20:Wanting what is not yours

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Chap 20

Wally carried all the things to the carriage.
He frowns seeing so many things.

"Are we selling our house?" He teased Alli.

Geo chuckles.
"That's Leon stuffs and our lunch and some snack. How can I let my dear husband and son get hungry?" Geo said and lean to Wally.

Wally slightly evade him.
"I am sweating." He can smell the floral scent in Alli's body.
Not only is he beautiful, he smells so nice. During intercourse he can't help but to sniff his body even his sweat smells nice.

Geo pouts.

"Go to the carriage with Leon. I will wash my face."

Geo follows his instruction and went to sit in the carriage. It is not so wide inside but it looks safe. He heard it is often use to carry rice or heavy things. There's also some cow carriage solely for ferrying village to town.
Renting cow carriage is very expensive. People in the village either walk or use the cow carriage ferrying a total of 15 people to town. It is crowded but less expensive.

In Wally's case, how can he let his wife in a crowd? If some pervert touch his wife, he will be really furious.
Sides they have Leon with them. Alli will not allow the baby to be in a crowded and smelly place. Also it will not be comfortable to change diaper of feed The baby.
It is not convenient.

He just have to pay more, he can bear with that.

Wally gets back wearing his clothes that Alli made for him.
He rarely wears it because he doesn't want it to get a torn or for the clothes color to fade from being wash.

But right now he is feeling insecure so je decided to change and put it on.

"Let's go?" The driver seat and the passenger seat has no division so Geo sit on Wally's back kissing his nape.

Wally blushes.
"What's that?" He smiles and look back.

"I just sees my husband looking so dashing so I havr to kiss him." Geo smiles teasingly.

He also make Leon kiss Wally.
Wally kisses the baby that is using his hand and feet to scratch his face.

They set off.


The Villager sees the happy family of three riding a cow carriage.
Some villagers talk about Alli's changes and how lucky he was.
Also talks about the poor Wally.
But seeing them so happy they all feel that the topic is off so they talk about how Alli looks very beautiful nowadays.

"He also stops going around all day."

"I heard Alli is a real good cook."

"Alli looks like a wealthy Gent from town. His skin is glowing."

"Why else? I heard Wally always bought him meat to eat."

Shiela stood up from washing the clothes.
"What? What are you talking about Alli? Shw has nothing to do with me now."
She is Alli's mother.

"We are talking about Alli's changes. He really is beautiful." One of the villager said.

Shiela snorts.
"Just because he is so quiet for a month you already change your opinion? Good. Good. If it's not for gossipers like you why else would the young masters in town hear about Alli's notorious behaviour. If so we can ask for more brides money."

The woman frowns.
"It is not us. Alli's notorious behavior isn't it spread by your daughter-in-law? And even then you ask Wally for such a large bride money and you are still complaining?" The villagers all angrily left.

Shiela doesn't care and carry the basket of clothes.
What she saw is the gossiping daughter-in-law who is spacing out.

"What are you looking to the sky? Are you waiting for money or food to fell down? Have you clean the chicken coop?"

".....I..I did, Mother-in-law, I also cook our lunch." Evette said hurriedly.

"Then why are you spacing for?" Shiela snorts.

"I heard that Alli is living a good life these days. He is even eating meat all day." Her saliva almost escape her mouth.
They barely eat enough. Meat is out of the question.

Sheila frowns.
"If you want to eat meat ask your husband to hunt some."

Wally is known as a hunter.
It is not surprising to hear he is eating meat everyday.
But the amount must not be too much so she is not jealous.
She can still see the better picture.
Alli is a spoiled brat.
He always asks for meat and make up and perfume and even jewelry.
If not he will throw a tantrum, ruin their field or release their chicken.
Such a handful Gent.
She is so glad she dispose of him.

Now whenever she sees Alli she will tell him not to come close to her.
But it is even better since Alli hated her and her family when they gave him to Wally.

That Gent never came to bother them again so she is more at peace.

"Mother-in-law, isn't Alli very unfilial to you? If she is eating meat. Shouldn't she gave some to you?"
Evette didn't gave up

Shiela laughs.
"Look at your greediness. You think you can fight with the strength of a hunter? Can your husband? Even though Wally is known as kind, he is also known as the strongest in our village. He is over protective to his wife and son. If you want to eat in their plate then hurry and fig your grave but I swear I won't buy a singke medicine for you." Sheila snorts again and put the basket down.

"Instead of coveting things that is not yours, put this in the sun to dry."

Evette angrily use a middle finger to the leaving old woman before she went to put the clothes to dry.

She is still remembering the story of her oldest brother-in-law, lots of meat and sugar. New fabric. Lots of rice and flour. Even salt and pepper.
What kind of luxurious thing!
If she knew she shouldn't marry too early and waited for Wally. But she is almost the same age as Wally. Will Wally take her in?
She grumbles.
Why is her husband a fisherman instead of a hunter? She is sick of eating fish.


While they travel Geo is putting a slice of cake in Wally's mouth.
Even Leon is eating a small bite.

They are happily enjoying a liesure ride while Wally tells Alli a lot of simple rules in the city. He even told not to go to a large medicine shop if he wants to sell his medicine to guarantee safety.

Geo laughs.
Leon is in a large basket full of soft fabric to cushion the shaking of the baby in the carriage.

Geo finally is free to flirt with his husband.

The two will kiss quickly.
Or Geo hugging him while his hand is touching all those dangerous places.

Wally warns him three times. The naughty hand won't stop until he stops in the side of the rode to punish his wife as they kiss passionately inside the carriage.
Wally knows it is not good to delay their journey so he who has the most self control ends it with just a kiss.

Of course Geo is just teasing Wally.
The carriage is not an appetizing place for him if he want a harmonious and injured free love making.

They reach the town, at last.



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