Black Snake with the book (ch 1)

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Peter Benjamin Parker was a sweet, kind and caring young man. He had lost his parents at the tender age of 3 to a plane crash and had recently lost his loving Uncle Ben to a robbery to which Peter was present at. Peter was then put into the care of his sweet hearted Aunt May. Behind closed doors May is snobby and selfish. Peter is a small scrawny nobody at school, he is constantly bullied but continues to smiles to remind himself to keep his head down and get threw the day.

'You are so worthless Peter....WORTHLESS'

Aunt May's words repeating in Peters head as he laid on the bloody ground, tears streaming down his face. Today is Peters 12th birthday and this was his birthday present.

Happy birthday to me! He thought, sighing. His whole body hurt, he lifted himself up placing his knees where his legs were and stared at the blood soaked ground. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath in and out.

He pushed himself to lean on a nearby wall, he sat in silence staring out the window at the sun going down.

He was brought back to reality when only the moon lit up the sky. He hauled himself to the bathroom in front of the mirror. May had already left for work for all night so he had the tiny apartment all to himself.

He flipped the light switch on and stared at his face, staring back was a some beat up teenager. He huffed out, stumbling out of the bathroom and decided to take a walk. He pushed a hoodie over his head and walked out, locking the door behind him.

He slowly walked down the two story stairs and started down the sidewalk. He kept his head down to avoid the stares of strangers. He kept walking and walking getting lost in his thoughts.

He walked for hours just lost in thought when he looked up to see the sun rising in front of him. He stopped dead in his tracks, his widened with the realization. 'How long have I been walking' fear overtook him. 'OMG May is probably home now, I need to get home!'

He would definitely get a beating from May when he got home. His eyes tightened and his hands got clammy as he thought of the bloody floor from last night.

Looking at his surrounding he finally realized he was completely lost. The sun was shining some light but didn't help much. He began to slowly walk down the sidewalk trying and failing to recognize anything. He could see very little so he eventually gave up in hopes of searching when it's brighter out.

He sat down at a park bench and noticed an old looking book laying next to him. His Curiosity got the best of him and took the book in his hands. He admired the different shades of colors on the cover and unconsciously smiled. He loved reading but very few knew that about him.

He got distracted by a faint noise coming from beside him, he looked down and saw a black snake with a green and gold pattern on its back. He smiled brighter, he loved all animals especially snakes.

He thought they were misunderstood and didn't see why everyone was so afraid of them. He loved to study them and quickly noticed this snake was deathly poisonous. But Peter just stared at the snake, admiring the patterns on the back.

"I should probably slowly back away right now but I'm very little tired and I want to read this mysterious book so your just going to watch me." He said quite confidently looking the snake in its beady eyes before looking back at the mysterious book.

If Loki wasn't confused before he was definitely now, the boy somehow knew his snake form was poisonous but was not afraid or threatened by his presence at all. He also took interest in his book which he kept a spell on so no mortal could possibly see it if he was not reading it.

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