Destiny(ch 4)

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Peters POV-

Today was a Saturday so I slept late since May took a vacation to New Jersey with her friends.

I woke up peacefully, hearing the birds sing outside and the sun shining in threw the window hitting my face. Before I opened my eyes I yawned and stretched as I sat up.

I blinked myself awake and jumped out of bed to the kitchen. I pulled out the left over bacon from the night before and put two pieces on the frying pan. I cooked them slowly to make sure they wouldn't burn as I completed my school work for the weekend.

Once they were done I sat down and thought about what I was going to do today. Once I finished I decided I would get out of the apartment and enjoy the outside. I tugged on a different shirt and jeans. I slipped a hoodie on and grabbed 5 dollars and started to head out.

As soon as I got the the bottom of the steps the cold, chilling breeze hit my face and my hair went flying back. I loved the cold, I giggled down the sidewalk as people around me shivered and looked at me weirdly. It wasn't even that cold and I was wearing a worn down hoodie while others were wearing freakin SNOW COAT!?!

"Ehh" I shrugged it off and continued to laugh as another breeze of wind hit my face. I didn't know exactly where I was going but I was just having fun skipping down the sidewalk without a care.

I smiled as I came across a park in the distance, it was deserted so I started making my way there. I stopped dead in my tracks as a little baby snow flake fell down from the sky and in the middle of my nose. No doubt I looked very stupid but I could not care less, the snow made me happy but snow was the best.

I looked up to the sky and watched as snow flakes fell from the sky and land on the ground. I watched as one fell on top of my hand and I watched as I thought it would melt, but it didn't. It just stayed there and didn't melt. Whatever! I thought running into the park.

I made my way to the bench in the middle of the park where people walking couldn't see me. I laid down and relaxed as snow flakes came trickling above me.

Somehow I fell asleep.....

When I woke up, I was in the same spot as last time but this time snow surrounded me on all surfaces and I couldn't see the grass or the sidewalk anymore. I giggled. I touched my cheeks and they were as cold as I thought they would be.

I looked around and spotted a coffee shop. I ran my way over and ignored all the black ice I ran over.

I ran inside and looked around there were 2 couple sitting in the middle and a guy in the back corner with a book covering his face.

I turned to the waitress who was smiling at me and I walked up to the corner, ordered a hot coffee with marshmallows, payed for it and sat down in the seat in front of the book guy. I sipped my coffee, I put ice cubes in it but it still felt like it was burning my tongue. I set my coffee down and stared out the windows.

A man was walking down the street with his eyes closed and walked on some black and slipped and fell. I couldn't help myself and giggled a little as they got up and walked off. I watched the snowflake comedown. I love snow<3

I was finally done with my coffee and I got up to go. I picked up my mug and gave it to the waitress and skipped out into the cold. I closed my eyes and started to walk humming along to a song I know by memory.

I had a giant smile on my face then I smashed into something or someone. My eyes when wide as I fell to the ground. Well that was definitely embarrassing.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going an-"

"It's alright it was an accident." Wait a second that voice sound familiar. I opened my eyes and saw none other than the god himself.

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