Attack(Ch 19)

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When he finally came into vie of the kitchen, Frigga was nowhere in sight and standing in the middle of the floor was a very tall man, about 6'0. He looked very muscular but appearances be looking around for something having not noticed the very shocked prince.

Peter was beyond scared when he finally got his act together, he stood in the doorway, toke a deep breath and silently, maneuvered himself behind a wall. He had prepared himself for situations like this in the future but now that it was actually happening, it kinda freaked him out, collecting his thoughts, he looked down at his sleeves and practiced one of the first thing he was taught.

Taking both his arms across his chest in a quick motion, two pure golden blades appeared in his hands, creating a sharpening sound and Peter shut his eyes tightly, silently curing himself. Turning his head in the direction of the imposter who had definitely brought attention onto himself.

"What was that I heard?" The man taunted as he began the walk towards Peters position.

Peters eyes widened as the man pick up his pace towards him, looking down at his watch, he realized dad would be home any minute now, so he just had to hold him off for a while. Putting on a fake confidence face and took on Loki's fighting stance and appeared in front of the man with a smirk that rivaled Loki's. Letting his fake confidence shin threw.

"Did not your mother ever teach you it is wrong to come where your uninvited?" Peter said threw a smirk, coping his fathers slang that he had been exposed to.

The man had piercing Blue cyan eyes that resembled the tropical ocean but had a deep gash going across his face with almost a unnatural shade of orange complexion. He wore a full black suit that Peter immediately recognized as the material used for thieves in forgein worlds such as Asgard. Returning Peter attention the mans wicked smile that was nothing compared to Loki's , he opened his mouth.

"And whom might you be? Mhm?" the man laughed.

Peter was somewhat relieved that the man didn't know about his title, meaning that maybe the man will underestimate Peter giving him at least a winning chance.

"A Child of Loki, I presume?!"

Never mind, Peter thought as the man started laughing again. Peter tryed again to sense his fathers or Thors aura but then only realizing that he couldn't sense Frigga's aura either. Gulping down his nervousness, he smirked again.

"Are we going to fight or what?" Peter asked

He really didn't want to fight him but given this man might have came to kill him, he wasn't going to give up so easily. Taking his battle stance as the man growled and started to run at him.

Almost pleasantly surprised at how off the mans form is or how the man left many weak points that any trained warrior would never leave open for attack. That was the very first thing that Peter learned form Loki is to never leave any weak points when fighting. Letting a laugh slip that surprised both Peter and the man, he made note that this man would be very easy to take down.

Peter didn't take his eyes off his opponent, searching for a weapon he missed, he saw a tiny but razor sharp sword on his back that he only then grabbed, still charging at Peter. Peter decided the smart thing to do is to rely on his instincts.

Letting his instinct control his body he slightly dodging the sword as it swung across his chest, letting his eyes open to look at the sword. Then getting right back up in defensive position as the man growled at the miss, Peter twirled a little at man to almost mock him.

Peter knew he shouldn't make him mad but it was just so temping that he couldn't resist.

"You missed." Peter sang mockingly as the man came in for another blow, jumping slightly to the left when a punch came to his right and ducking to the right when the man came to the right. His fighting style looked almost routined  and was fairly easy for Peter to recognized, but what he didn't expect was when another voice came from behind him.

Before Peter tuned around after he kicked the man with 40% of his strength, knocking the man off balance, quickly taking a peek at who was behind him, he saw a man with long white hair again with vibrant blue eyes but slightly shorter than the first guy.

Without taking the second man charged at Peter, absolutely not holding back at the prince as the first man got up, slightly dusting his pants off having a his smirk return to his face as he partner entered the fight.

Peter was freaking out, well on the inside at least. He was definitely less experience than the first man and now there was a second one who he could not see any flaws in.

Peter didn't get to finish his thought as a kick from behind knocked him in the back, sending him tumbling the the floor but easily got back up. he eyed both men as they advanced on him, Peter had absolutely no confidence left in himself.

He kicked the first man again when he caught up to him which he dogged but earned a right side punch in the face from a dogged punch from his the second man. Peter saw a weak point in the first man as he toppled over from the punch and Peter held his left dagger and effectively jammed it into the mans gut.

The man screeched and fell backwards into the ground with the dagger still logged in his stomach, redirecting his attention to the second man who had just locked eyes with each other, slung forward. Still trying to make sure the first man stays on the ground, Peter failed to notice the mans attack and his knife slashed his right shoulder. From the adrenaline he had in his system he failed to feel it at first but only a second later tremendous pain stricken his right side as he cried out.

Looking at the wound on his shoulder, he could definitely see his arm bone but bring his attention back to the man as he dogged another blow to his left, trying to copy the injury on his right.


Loki and Thor walked down the street deciding to try to be normal, loki wore a all black suit high was common for him to wear in public while Thor wore a red hoodie with jeans. They had just finished a mission which was definitely hard but they both came out uninjured couldn't say the same for Clint who ran out of arrows and broke his right arm.

Thor went on and on about ice cream and all the reason why he loved it but not as much as his poptarts. Loki rolled his eyes as Thor got distracted by the fluffy golden retriever that they crossed paths with, after that they kept walking.

Until Loki abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing Thor to stop as well, looking back at his brother.

"Something wrong, Brother?" Thor asked curiously as Loki massaged his temples.

"We should hurry back." Loki replied, picking up his pace as Thor struggled to keep up

"Is something wrong?" Thor asked Tirelessly still trying to keep up with the other gods fast pace.

"Maybe...." Loki strangled, clutching his burning necklace.

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