Poptarts (ch 17)

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She grabbed Peter into a giant hug, nearly knocking Loki to the ground. He simply smiled and hugged back, she smelled exactly how Loki and Thor describes, Roses and Sunflower but not like the cheap perfume, He immediately noticed that when he opened his eyes, the sky was seemed bluer, the sun shined brighter, the grass looked greener and the flowers looked like they danced in her presence. Which they probably were.

Her golden dress glistened and sparkled in the sun while her hair was very wavy also pulled up in the front but let loose in the back.

She pulled back with a smile, still holding onto his shoulders with her hands. She squealed very loudly seemingly forgetting about the two gods standing behind her.

"You look just like your father! Absolutely adorable!" She squeezed, bringing Peter back into a bone crushing hug.

"Mother? As much as Petyr loves hugs I think we should really go inside, it can be very dangerous out in the wild like this." Thor chuckled nervously glancing at his surrounding just in case.

"Oh hush Thor, you two think I cannot defend myself." Frigga turned to face Thor and Loki.

"But mother, we really sho-"

"You look just like, Loki when he was growing up, Darling!" She sang joyfully, effectively cutting Thor off earning a snort from Loki.

"Thank you Ma'am!" Peter giggled. Loki looked at Thor's sad puppy eyes, rolling his eyes very obviously, he stalked over to Thor and whispered, loud enough for Thor to hear but not his mother or Peter.

"Get over yourself Thor." He smirked proudly at Thor's even sadder and slightly hurt face. They both looked back at their mother adoring Peter.

"Oh please darling, call me Grandma." She smiled as Peter nodded his head notoriously.

"Shall we head home mother?" Loki asked, walking to his mother leaving Thor behind to cry and stuck out his elbow for his mother to take as they walked back towards Loki's house.

Peter fell behind noticing his Uncles sad wobbles which was very unlike him.

"What's wrong Uncle Thor?" Peter questioned keeping the same pace with Thor.

"I want my pop tarts..." Thor cried, letting a tear fall down his cheek.

"We have some at the house if you want? I just went shopping since we ran out." Peter looked at Thor as his teary eyes lit up to look at Peter.

"The Hot Fudge Sundae with 1/4 crumbs of Chocolate chip, baked at 256 degrees in the oven for about 2.764 minutes?" Thor questioned hopefully, wiping a tear that slid from his eye.

Peter a little startled but wanting to make his Uncle happy, "yes?"

Thor immediately perked up at the sound and his smile brighter than the sun before running up ahead to catch with Loki and his mother, leaving Peter alone.

"I have such a weird family...." Peter mumbled shaking his head at Thor's childishness before following Thor's actions.

Residence of Loki Odinson/Laufeyson

Peter, Loki and Frigga all watched dumbfounded and slightly amused as Thor explained the PERFECT pop tart, according to Thor anyways.

"— Then you carefully take the 1/4 cookie crumbs, which I previously explain how to get the perfect shape of crumbs and then slightly, not too hard, sprinkle the crumbs on top with a delving manor—" Peter suddenly remembered that he had homework due in the morning and decided that Loki, Thor and Frigga should have alone time to catch up.....or listen to Thor.

Peter got up from his kitchen chair and over behind Loki trying desperately not to laugh at Loki miserable and slightly confused face. He walked over to the gods side whispering something about a project to which Loki's only response was mouthing the words 'does he ever stop talking?"

Peter snorted and walked out into the hallway in search for his room.

Peters project only now realizing was about Thor and his powers for his Chemistry AP class, she had absolutely no trouble completing the assignment, not even needing to look back in the textbook for answers.

He then completed all his homework for the rest of classes including math(✨I hate math✨)
which was never that difficult for Peter but he still struggled like everyone else in that class. At the beginning of the year, he thought it would be fun to take German instead of Spanish like every other student but quickly regretted it. He used Google translator for everything.

After a while Peter heard a knock at his door, he could tell who it was based on her calming aura. He got up from his circle of papers and opened his door to reveal his grandmother.

"Hello darling! Loki was just telling me how he started training you already so since I trained him, I wanted to see how advanced you are." She said sweetly

Peter was automatically super excited, he hadn't been able to use his powers or get trained in the past 2 days because both Thor and Loki were freaking out about their mother.

"Okay! I'll be down stairs in about 2 minutes!" He said dashing to his clothes to find his work out clothes.

"Take your time, darling, we have all day!" She shouted at the door before disappearing in a gust of smoke,

Just like dad, he thought, well it would make sense.

Peter finally reached the training room that Loki trains Peter in a grey tank top and black shorts. When he opened the door, he found Frigga already there but not wearing a dress any longer, instead she was wearing a funny looking suit, he remembered Loki wearing something like it when they trained and just guessed they trained in that.

They practiced simple spells and magic and Frigga once again squealed over his purple magic.

Comment what you want to see Frigga and Peter do for their bonding time?

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