Best Day Ever (ch 2)

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He closed his eyes as quickly as they opened. He felt really good this morning, he got up before his stupid alarm clock, wore his favorite science shirt and a random pair of jeans. He wandered over to his mirror. Damn! These colors look really good on me. His shirt was a dark green color with gold text and some midnight black jeans on that looked a little scuffed.

He smirked in the mirror only to laugh at himself. He kept smiling all the way to his kitchen. He grabbed an apple and a granola bar with a bottle of water for lunch. He threw them into his pack and left early for once.

Peter decided to take a detour and walk around a park. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and everything was just perfect.

He happily found a bench near by and ploped down pulling out the mysterious book from yesterday. He did exactly what did yesterday even more determined to know what the text said but became a little frustrated when couldn't.

He looked up at his watch and decided to continue to walk to school.

Time skippers

Peters day had been the best day of the whole year. He even got time to go to the library and read for a while til his next class started. But something that was stuck in Peters mind the whole day was the snake he saw earlier. Something about the snake intrigued him and was silently hoping he would see the snake again.

He literally skipped out of school with a goofy smile that made everyone around him smile and that made him more happier. He skipped his way to the bench he was at yesterday. The 12 year old noticed no one waiting there so he sat down and pulled out the book hoping to see the owner.

Loki made his way over to the same bench and turned into a snake when nobody was looking. He made his way under the shade of the seat to wait for the boy to arrive. He would never admit it but he was a little nervous to reveal himself as he was still the bad guy behind the New York attack even though he was being mind controlled.

He was brought out of his trance when the same young boy came skipping to the bench with a huge smile. Loki notice the boy take out the book and began to insect it. Loki made his way up to the bench next to the boy and tranformed back into himself.

Peter eyes squinted at the text. I keep seeing certain words over and over again so this book must be about this specific subject. In the corner of his eyes he saw a glimpse of green and he lifted his eyes to look at whatever caused the green but did not expect what he saw.

Loki, the God of Mischief, the Prince of Asgard was sitting next to him reading a book. His eyes widened and his mouth agape. Get it together! He's just reading! Stop pestering him with your eyes. Peter decided to leave the god and all his glory alone and continue to study the book.

After about 3 minutes, his curiosity got the best of him, again, so he glanced up and looked at the words. It was in a different language, it looked familiar. Well he's not from earth so whatever he's reading must be from Asgard. But he scanned over the words before stopping on a word that seemed really familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. What a minute. He looked at the mysterious book and back at the book the god was reading. OMG OMG OMG I STOLE A GOD'S BOOK AND NOW HES GOING TO KILL ME.

So Peter did what anyone would of done in this situation. Talk.

"OmG, I-I am s-sOoOOo sorry Mr. L-Loki's-sir, I didn't know it was your book," Peter slammed his eyes shut. This got the gods attention. "I just picked it up and saw the writing and thought I recognized it somewhere so I decided to take it home to try to find out what language this was in and— OMG I am so so sorry s-sir!"

The boy kept rambling on and on saying how sorry he was. Usually this would annoy the
H E L L out of Loki but he found when this Misgardian did it, it was quite amusing to say the least. Something alarmed Loki when he saw the boy flinch like I was going to hit him for touching my book.

"It's quite alright young Midgardian." The boys eyes opened slightly.

"R-Really?" He asked curiosity

Loki's POV:
I couldn't help myself but laugh and the boy looked at his feet in shame.

"In fact, I let you have it" I said as the boy tilted his head. "I was the snake watching you." His eyes widened and sparkled, reminding himself of him as a child.

"That was you! Oh my gosh your literally soooo much cooler than Thor!" He practically yelled

I was took back by the statement this boy said. A warm unfamiliar feeling in my chest settled. "Thank you, little mortal boy." He continued looking down at his book still in the boys hands "Peter right?"

"O-Oh u-uh YEP! Peter Benjamin Parker, at your service." Something feels so familiar about this boy.

"Well I saw you looking at the book trying to understand it so would you like me to teach you?" Loki asked looking the boy in the eyes which only widened a bit and a smile grew.

"You would really do that?"

"Well I've got sometime to kill so why not, what do you say mortal?"

"Of course!" Peter giggled and so the next 2 hours Peter was taught how to read Asgardian writing by The God Of Mischief himself.

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