Ancient Writing (ch 10)

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"Stop stop stop please be quiet PLEASE stop Please please PLE-"

Peter woke up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down his face and he shot out of bed, ignoring why his room was covered in ice and why giants shards surround his bed.

He shut his eyes as he flew to the cold ground, he saw the dead unknown woman repeating her final words in his ear.

"Nonononononono please stop!" He whispered as his heart rate picked up and his breathing became erratic and unstable. He opened his eyes and faced the mirror in front of him but it wasn't him looking back.

Peter's skin was a icy blue color that covered his whole body, his forehead had a darker shade of perfectly, symmetrical three blue lines going across his forehead and two long, gold horns coming out of him. He noticed that he had the same two lines going across both his cheeks and chin. There were ancient writing going around his blue head. Both of his eyes were a deep red color that covered all parts of his eyes including the white.

Peters eyes widened as he looked in the mirror, he didn't recognized who looked back. He looked away from the mirror and look down at his shaky blue hands and noticed how his fingertips grew into a deep black. He looked around his room, wide eyed and saw that his whole room was covered in ice and how ice crystals hung from the top of his bed barley touching the bed.

But around his bed, on the floor were thick icy shards pointing toward the bed and the farther they got, the more thick and sharp they got. Peter looked back down at his hands and back at the mirror, then repeated.

He looked at his hands and touched the floor that immediately turned to frozen thick black ice. The soft blue glow of the temperature showed that his room was -125. But Peter felt fine.

Soft tears sprang from his face and turned to ice within touch. He wiped the ice from his face and continue to stare into the mirror as he hyperventilated.

Then a loud crash erupted him, coming from his door. His room was shaped weirdly so where he slept cannot be seen from the door. Peter rose to his feet still shaking. he heard fast foot steps coming from the other side of the wall.

Then when Loki rounded the corner to see Peter, In his Frost Giant Form, shaking and with ice surrounding his bed, he was frozen and completely speechless.

Loki's POV-

I was in a deep trance when a uneasy feeling crept into my stomach. I decided to ignore it but when the temperature in the room changed instantly, I opened my eyes. I felt the room turn very cold.

I looked down at my hands excepting them to be blue so that it would explain the change in temperature, But when they were still my normal skin color, I grew quite confused.

I rose from my seat and grabbed my tea cup and sipped it expecting it to be a warm temperature but when it turned out to be cold, I almost choked and sip it out. I narrowed my eyes and walked over to the temperature and read 32 degrees.

I usually set the temperature colder but not to cold as a human child lived with me. I remembered that there were only one thing I knew that could change a temperature of a room with just its presence but I shook my head. No definitely not.

I walked down the hall and the temperature slowly got colder and colder with every step. What the Odin? I walked up the stairs to where the rooms are and noticed that the temperature was definitely past zero now.

I let my skin turn slightly blue, let my eyes turn red and let my horns pop out as I walked down the half slowly shirting to my full Frost Giant form. When I crept to Peters door I noticed that I was well below -90 degrees now.

Peter Lokison and his fatherWhere stories live. Discover now