Life (ch 6)

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Peters POV:

I walked down the sidewalk on my way back to Loki's house to tell him the story of my life. I repeated what I was going to tell him in my head. Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to tell him about my parents then uncle Ben then about May. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out.

I walked up to his house and sighed. I lifted my hand to knock but just as my hand touched the door, I was in the living room. What the. I turned around and staring right at me was Loki looking up from a book he was reading.

"How did yo-" what am I thinking he's a god, he can do anything. He stared at me with a unimpressed look and I almost laughed if not for the current situation.

"Now you are going to tell me what caused what happened yesterday." He said gesturing to the seat in front of himself. Great. I walked over to the seat and put my backpack down. I took a seat and decided to close my eyes.

"When I was really young my parents died in a plane crash, I didn't really remember them so I couldn't really miss them." I opened my eyes and looked at Loki before continuing. "Then I was put into the custody of my uncle and-" I couldn't help but shiver. "aunt. Then years later Ben and I, we went out to the store. Ben wasn't the nicest but he was caring enough. I never saw my aunt though. He was shot in front of me." I imagined his dead body on the ground and looked at Loki who gave me a sympathetic look. I smiled which confused Loki. " But when he was shoot, I didn't feel sad or remorseful, I felt guilty. Like I pulled the trigger." Loki looked down knowing that feeling all to well.

"Then since my last living relative was my Aunt, I lived with her. She had a job so she would barely be home and loved to take very long unnecessary vacations, leaving me, without food or money. When I did see her she would yell, call me worthless and stupid, of course I just bottled it up and smiled but that didn't last. She started to hurt me, like sometimes she would punch me or kick me but the worst thing was she would-" I lifted my eyes that fell to the ground to look at Loki who now looked murderous. "Burn me with her cigarettes because I've always been sensitive to the sun and heat."

"Can I kill her?" My eyes widened as Loki was being completely serious and willing to.

"Wha- no no she just hurt me but I don't want to be like her and hurt her..." I blinked thinking of my blood on her floor and tears started falling freely from my face. Then smiled sadly.

"And the kids at school are mean and like to pick on me, but what can you do right?" I laughed still crying

"Then when I met you and my life became a little bit happier and I smiled genuinely when I was with you and laughed like there was no tomorrow." Loki smiled at me and I smiled back. I felt safe around Loki that felt nice because I don't ever remember feeling safe.

"I know what we can do." Loki said and I looked at his mischievous smirk and I wiped my tears from my face, completely forgetting what I was talking about.

"What?" I asked reflecting his smirk.

30 minutes later

Me and Loki walked down the cold and icy streets with ice cream in our hands, just wearing T-shirts like it was summer. We talked about a few different things to terrorize civilians. This was our favorite pastime.

After eating our ice cream and scaring a few innocent people walking by, we decided to stop at McDonald's to get chicken nuggets because...... is there really a reason to not get chicken nuggets.

We walked into the McDonald's and a few parents bolted out dragging their kid along as they spotted Loki. I smirked evilly as most of the McDonald's was now empty, except for people who just didn't care or worked there.

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