Paced (ch 22)

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Loki paced frantically back right to left, picking at his palm nervously deep in thought. Thor and Frigga watched from the sides, Frigga bowed her head, never lifting to see her son's eyes, the pit in her stomach growing larger and heavier with every passing second. She knew she could of prevented all this from happening, she knew she could of saved them from those..those....Savages, but she didn't and now peter might pay the price.

Thor silently watched as his brother paced, his eyebrows were furrowed and he stared intently at his brother, trying to anticipate his next move. Thor wasn't the smartest person on Earth but he was very educated when it came to  war and fighting and he knew exactly what would happen to Peter. They all knew if another planet kidnapped Peter it could possibly mean war.

Unsurprisingly Thor was experiencing many different emotions but the strongest was anger, he could almost feel the friction he gave off and thunder rumbled in the distance. How dare they steal his nephew before he got to bring him around Asgard and go on adventures into the deep forests like he had once did as a child.

He knew it was unwise to run head first into battle without any prior knowledge but if he had learned anything from the past years it was that he was the strength but Loki was the brains so he waited for that final calculated call of war from his brother.

Many thoughts were going threw Loki's mind at once, he couldn't focus on one single thought and his emotions were a roller coaster. The picking at his hand evolved into scratches with blood dripping, his mouth began to scrawl and his mind began to wander to the dead image of his no no.

Loki stopped in his pacing, quickly shutting his eyes and forced his brain to focus. He knows he had wronged many foes and many want him dead but ever since he discovered Peter, he took all precautions to make definite sure that Peter was a secret against his enemies. So how in the nine realms, did someone figure it out. Was it his own fault? Could Petyr be already dead?

Forcing himself to relieve his held breath and taking another before holding it again. He thought about every single person who knows about Peter's bloodline, Himself, his mother, Thor, Peter, Odin probably knows now from his bird and finally.....Peter's mother...

It finally hit him that maybe, just maybe Peter mother told someone about his bloodline.

He shook his head, he knows that even before Peter was born she was very protective of the boy, even after death he can still feel her protective aura constantly surrounding him. That's exactly the reason why she had sent him to earth, so there was no way that she would tell anyone.

No matter how much he hated the all-father he knew that he was secretly soft for children or else loki wouldn't of been here in the first place and he may have saw Odin interact with a few village children. His mother would never tell a singe old and Thor was also very protective of the boy. Loki would of definitely known if Peter told anyone so that leave....nobody??

Loki sighed again, if nobody told anyone of Peter's bloodline then how did someone know?

That question stood out among the millions of other questions that circled his head. He only then realized that his palm was tore open with blood dripping down. He continued to ignore the burning sensation.

If no one told of Peter's bloodline then how did someone find out? Unless they didn't. What if they actually came for Loki or better yet Frigga. He quickly made the connection that he spend a year with the boy without any targeted attacks but as soon as Frigga visited there was a attack.

Loki cautiously lifted his guards up just in case and picked up his head to look at his mother. His mother's stance did not change as she stared at the floor.

"Mother?" loki asked, tightening his gaze upon the goddess as she slowly lifted hr head.

"Yes...?" She questioned back, Loki could feel the guilt radiating off his mother.

"Where were you when Petyr was taken?" He raised an eyebrow as Thor turned to eye their mother questioningly. She answered immediately almost like she had been replaying the scene and her actions over in her head.

"I was in the food preparation area after Petyr had left to go check upstairs, then his aura just disappeared and couldn't sense him anywhere," she paused, "it was like he just vanished. I went to check upstairs then back downstairs and that when I found the glass and messy object and...." she looked any from her son's gaze and took a gulp before continuing, "...blood..." she gazed up at Loki's bleeding hand before returning her gaze back down.

Loki finally looked to his brother harden gaze before contining.

"We know Petyr had drawn his daggers at one point, my only guess is defense, we know Petyr is-" Loki looked down and swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing, "somewhat injured from the blood found and if Petyr was able to injure any of the attackers, they must of cleaned up before leaving."

Loki messaged his temples before looking back at Thor hardened gaze.

"This is war."

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