Information (ch 3)

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Loki's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to instantly remember falling asleep in the library reading last night. I slowly pushed myself out of the leather chair I feel asleep on and caught the book that was sitting on my lap, before it hit the ground.

I placed the book on the chair and stretched my arms and legs. A couple of Pops were heard coming from my bones but were ignored.

I walked into the kitchen and stared out the window. Father made me stay here on Midgard to fight with the avengers as punishment for the New York attack. No matter how much I tell him about being mind controlled and how it was not my fault, he never believed me.

No one will ever believe the villain.

Thor was the only person who believed in me and convinced the Avengers to give me a second chance. He even almost gave up the crown as father refused to let me go to Midgard willingly.

No matter how much I insult Thor or stab him, he is my brother and I will never hesitate to die so he could live. I really hate that oaf.

I walked into my thousand dollar kitchen. I refused to live with the other warriors as they still despised me and brother was only there half the time. Stark bought me a house close to the tower so I didn't have to live with them but be close if they need me.

I grabbed the ingredients from the fridge and prepared a home style Asgardian breakfast that my mother taught me as a child. I have decided to use less magic on my time on Midgard as it is strange to have powers such as mine.

I sat at the bar chair to begin eating and pulled out a book. I was halfway threw the book and breakfast as my mind wandered and lost focus. I thought about home and how much I missed Asgard, the huge libraries, the amazing views and sounds of the morning but most importantly mother. I thought about Thor and the avengers and our last mission we went on awhile ago. I also started to again think about the boy and how sad he was when I first encountered him. A little smile crept onto my face as I remembered the looks and the questions he had when I taught him Asgardian text. He was a very fast learner and caught on surprising quick for how young he looked.

My mind went back to my mother and her lessons. Then to the boy and how I taught him the same way as my mother once taught me.

I looked down at my empty plate and shook my head. I was probably never going to see that boy again.

Little did I know I would take my final breath with the same boy right by my side.....

Peters POV-

Today has gone horrible. In every class I had. I had figured out how to either embarrass myself and hurt myself, or both at the same time. Even random teachers gave me sympathetic looks all day. Not to mention I had a big bruise on the side of my face from bullies but it was gone at 6th period. As I've always had amazingly fast healing but never questioned it.

I am so done with today. I thought as I maneuvered my way threw the crowd of spoiled high schoolers. Once I arrived at my locker, I quickly stuffed my necessary books into my backpack and the others inside my locker as I got pushed and teased by the passing students.

I wanted to run out of school but that would cause attention on me so I kept my head down and walked a normal pace amongst the crowd.

I was almost out of school and could go to the library before Aunt May gets home but kids are jacka$$s. I was so close. Then before I could avoid it a foot stuck out and I closed my eyes as I hit the ground with a loud bang.

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