Chapter 17

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I missed you...

The hotel we are staying at in was no over then the Moretti hotel

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The hotel we are staying at in was no over then the Moretti hotel. Vince booked the penthouse I have never being completely speechless until I saw the room. It was incredible and every detail and furniture was stunning . I would have never thought that I would be walking inside a 5-star hotel. If last week someone told me I would stay in 5-star penthouse I would have laughed my head off and brought them to the doctor to fix their head. "I can't believe that you own this". I say gliding my eyes at the beautiful apartment in front me. "you own part of this now as well". I chuckled shaking my head at that ridiculous thought.  Vince needs to realize that I am not like him. He is this rich proper successful man. While me I am poor, trouble and has basically lived off nothing growing up. "No, I don't". My voice was more bitter than I meant it to be.

He ignored my comment and soon we made our way downstairs to the foyer from the elevator. Basically, everything looked like it got painted in gold and riches. They started to walk to the Limousine. The driver was standing out holding the door open. I grabbed Vince's arm stopping him in his tracks.. He looked shocked at my action he smiled down at me looking a bit concerned. I quickly retrieved my arm and sighed. "We don't really need a limo to go to the place. It's only a couple of blocks away".  He looked conflicted and looked down at his watch then back at me. I don't know what I was thinking. They are used to being driven around and everywhere they want to go. They will nev-. "Ok, do you know the directions"? I was shocked. I was defiantly not expecting this. He raised his eyebrows at me and I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I remember them". He nodded then informed the driver and the rest of the boys.

"But dad its dark"!

"she is probably going to get us lost"!

Louis and Milo whined and I rolled my eyes at their childishness. They are more childish than the kids in my old street. "Stop whining". Enzo scolded smacking the back of their heads. We walked down the streets. Me in the front and the others following closely behind. I then felt a tug on my hand and I looked up to see Bruno beside me. I smiled gently at him he looked so excited being here. His eyes wandering to all the phone booths and everywhere.

When we reached the place the boy's face scrunched up in disgust seeing that it was a pub. The pub was an old English looking pub and it looked more like a cottage then a pub. I walked up to the door and sighed seeing the sign Harrys pub. I hesitated to open the door. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.. maybe they won't even be working.. maybe they won't even remember me. The boys are probably confused to why I am acting so strange. If only they knew. I opened the door and was hit with the delicious smell of gravy and roast beef. There were a few people sitting around a few tables. This pub has always been such a hidden gem. Nothing has changed since I was last in here. everything looks exactly the same.

"Breanna is that really you". A soft voice interrupted my thoughts and I smiled at the person. "Yeah, it's me". I murmured feeling a hot blush come to my cheeks. A loud squeal ran through the air making me and boys jump at the sudden noise. "Oh, my sweet baby". I was then ripped away from the boys into a deathly hug practically being lifted off the ground. which hurt like a son of a ****** on my ribs and shoulder. Tears fell down her rosy cheeks. "Mary it's ok... I have missed you too". She reluctantly put me down and cupped both of my blushed and embarrassed cheeks. "Oh, baby I have missed you so much". She whispered. Before I could say a thing. "HARRY LOOK WHO IT IS". I cringe at the loudness of her voice. I remember how deathly her screeches were. Harry came rushing in with a spatula and in his chef uniform.  He scanned the room before his eyes landed me. His face paled and tears emerged in his eyes. He ran over to me wrapping his arms around me. "Hello princess".

Harry was Dads best friend and Mary was Harry's wife. We used to come here every Friday night. Margaret hated the pub and the environment so she never came. But for me and dad it was an unbreakable tradition. "I haven't seen you in forever". He whispered. Dad and Harry were so close. Harry and marry were like second parents for me and when Margaret forbid them from seeing me I was crushed. "I curse the day that witch took you from us". Mary murmured and she looked at me apologetically. Harry looked at the customers who were watching the scene. "marry perhaps you should take princess and her.... guests at the back". Harry looked at the boys and Vince sceptically and eyed them up and down. Acting like an overprotective father. "Ok". Mary held my hand and led me down at the back where it was where we all used to hang out. At the back, it was like a cosy dining room you go to when you visit your grandparents. It was so homey feeling.  The boys and Vince looked so confused watching me, harry and Mary . The boys also looked at harry extra carefully.

Mary looked at them frowning. "Sweetheart who are they". She tried sounded polite but looked concerned for me. "are you in trouble"? She whispered and I instantly shook my head. "No, it's ok they are. Fine". she sighed in relief but then looked at them again stopping when she saw Bruno then she looked back at me. "Who are they"? I sigh... I already know what she is thinking. "They are my... um, brothers". I then walked over to Vince. "And this is my um.. err father". It felt weird calling them my father and brothers. It felt so unnatural. Vince's eyes saddened seeing how hard it was to introduce and call him my father.

Mary's eyes darkened and she looked like she was about to start bloody murder. They have always wanted to kill the people who threw me out. So, for the sakes of saving my 'brothers' and Vince, I had to step in. "Mary it is ok! They have explained everything to me.. it's ok". She looks at Vince with so many emotions. But she sighed seeing my pleading eyes. "Ok". She whispered then coughed clearing her throat. "Not that I haven't missed you and are not enjoying having you here. but what has brought my Breanna here".

"Oh, I have just been having a deathly craving for those roast potatoes". I smirk winking at her. "Well, in that case, sit your cute butt down". She winked at me. she then turned to the boys looking a bit nervous. "Would you like some menus"?

"No, if it is ok we will all have whatever Brea is having". Mary nods and smiles back at me before leaving.

The boys looked beyond confused. "So, you haven't seen them in a long time"? Vince raises his eyebrows at me. "No not for eight years".

"Why". I sigh heavily at his interrogating tone. "No reason, just lost touch I guess". I shrugged. I was never going to tell them the real reason. Marry and harry don't even know the real reason why marry cut our connection off. They probably just assumed that Margaret was just angry at them. Mary came in with what used to be my favourite drink. "One raspberry ice-cream float for a princess". A hard-crimson blush came as she placed it in front of me. "Orders from Harry". She winked at me making me giggle. "What would you boys like to drink"? Mary got her notepad out writing down their orders while I happily sipped my delicious sweet beverage. "I will get those for you shortly". She turned to me smiling kissing my forehead before leaving. My heart warmed with at the gesture. I haven't felt like this in so long.. I haven't realised how much I missed them until now. Being with them reminds me of so much of dad.

Vince starred at me carefully with un-readable emotions. "Yes"? My voice sounded rude and much like a spoilt brat. "So how do you know these people"? I huffed at the way he said 'these' people. "They were friends of dads". I said uncaringly. He sighed heavily sucking in breath through his teeth.  "So, what exactly are we eating"? Bruno asked breaking the awkward tension. "The pub's specialty roast beef". The boys once again grimaced at that clearly judgmental. "Hey, don't knock unit till you try it". I huff in annoyance. "Sorry princess". Milo mocked doing air quotes. I wonder how a black eye would look on that smug face. 

"Well anyway, I think your friends are very nice". Luke said at me gently. I nodded not knowing to what to say back. "So what's the plan for tomorrow dad"? Alex asked. "Well, the police asked if we could go to the police station. Breanna needs to make another witness statement and answer more questions". Alex and the others nodded taking in the information carelessly with no emotion. While me, on the other hand, thought I was going to have a heart attack. My heart was soaring out of my chest feeling like it was beating a million beats per minute. My hands started shaking viciously so I hid them under the table discretely. "After the police station I need to go and do some business but I was thinking maybe you boys and Brea can tour around London for a bit"

"Hell yea! Breanna can show us all cool hangout spots"! I roll my eyes at Bruno's smirk. These people truly have no idea

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