Chapter 27

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It's amazing what you can hide

It's amazing what you can hide

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"what's wrong"?

"where are you hurt"?

"what happened"?

"Are you ok"?

They all asked me a dozen questions scanning me up and down for a possible injury with wide worried eyes. I couldn't run I was in the middle of a circle of large buff muscular men.  So, the only thing I could do was think...

What excuse should I make up to explain this?


"Stop it". I scolded sitting up while holding my shoulder. "I'm fine". But I wasn't I was far from my fine. The pain in my shoulder was so intense. "Well, then why are you holding your shoulder"? Louis asked with a raised eyebrow. "None of your business". I snapped. "Brea watch the attitude". Alex scolded. I rolled my eyes but then a wave of pain went in my shoulder making me wince. "What's wrong? What hurts"? Enzo asked putting a hand on my other shoulder. "Nothing hurts"! I gritted my teeth trying to suck in the pain. "Yeah right". Bruno scoffed narrowing his eyes at me. "Breanna just tell us what hurts! Please". Vince pleaded. I thought about it for a minute. Should I tell them? But if I tell them? They will want to know-how... Then I will have to show them... Then they will know the truth... They will know the truth about me.

"Nothing hurts"! I raised my voice. Louis then places a hand on the shoulder I was holding. "ahh". I screamed bending down clutching my shoulder." Nothing hurts huh"? Louis smirked victoriously making me glare at him. "Louis"! Vince, Louis and Alex all warned him. I ignored them all and stood up using Luke's shoulder. They all followed me and stood up. Making me feel like a mouse amongst the tallest towers. "Brea I won't ask you again tell me what is wrong with your shoulder". Vince narrowed his eyes at me radiating his authority and dominance. "Nothing is wrong with it! it's just a pulled muscle or something".

He then looked at the boys as if he was having a mental conversation before nodding at them. The next thing I knew I was being swooped up and carried it bridal style by Luke. I tried squirming and wiggling my way out of his arms but he had a firm grip. Luke placed me on the couch. "Enzo hands and Milo's legs". Vince ordered. My eyes widened in realization and panic stirred inside of me. Luke and Bruno gave me an apologetic smile before they carefully took off both of my hoodies being mindful of my shoulder. I stilled had my long sleeve shirt on but you could see the bruises around my neck and busted collarbone. My shoulder looked terrible as it was red and swollen and had a massive black and blue bruise on it. Their eyes all darkened and they looked like they were going to kill someone.

They could see mikes claims and strangle marks on my neck. "What the fuck"! Louis roared. I flinched at his voice and wanted nothing better to crawl into a small hole. "Who. Did. This"! Vince's eyes were black and ice cold. "No one". I glared at him meeting his tone, I tried to wiggle out of Enzo's and Milo's. But unfortunately, that was hopeless and nothing was working. "Try again". Enzo warned. "Tell us now"! I ignored Vince's command and the boys stubbornly. Alex sighed loudly knowing that I wasn't going to give in then put pressure on my collarbone. I hissed in pain. "what the hell". I exclaimed throwing Alex a dirty look. Alex ignored me then turned to Vince and the boys. "We should take her to my clinic, her collar bone looks fractured and could be possibly be broken". I scoffed and chuckled to myself darkly.

Like hell will I allow them to take me to the hospital.

"I am not going anywhere! My shoulder is fine". I warned them all glaring my eyes at them. Louis scoffed and shook his head. "You are not fucking 'fine'. Stopping lying to yourself and us". Vince and Enzo glared at Louis giving him a warning look. "We should take her now! It would be very painful. I don't even know how she has coped this long". Great! So now they are going to talk like I am not even here.  "I am not going to the bloody hospital! And don't talk like like I am not here". They all shot me sad looks Bruno giving me a more worried and concerned look. Enzo and milo let go of me and helped me sit up. "You aren't going to the hospital you are going to my clinic". I furrowed my eyebrows and took a deep breath trying to calm my anxiety and shaky hands. As if on cue Bruno sat down next me holding my trembling hands. "No". I breathed out but cursed my trembling body. I was on the verge of an anxiety attack.

I can't go to the hospital..

I can't get checked by a doctor...

they will find out everything...

I will be kicked out...

Vince will hate me...

My brothers will disgust me...

I will be alone...

I only just got them and I am already going to lose them. "Hey, hey, look at me! breathe". I didn't even realise I was having an attack. Alex was kneeling down in front of me trying to calm me. I dug my hands in my hair trying to breathe, my heart felt like it was exploding. It felt as if I was having a heart attack. "go away". I breathed out trying my hardest not to cry. I don't them to see me like this. I don't want them to see me as weak or pathetic. "Look at me, Brea". Alex cooed while Bruno and Luke captured my hands. I dug my nails in my palm to try and focus on anything else besides my raging heart. Bruno and Luke caressed my hands with their thumbs while rubbing my back. It would have been nice if I didn't have open wounds on my back. I squeezed my eyes shut trying my best not to falling to a pile of tears. I opened my eyes to Vince was now also kneeling in front of me as well. "Baby look at me". I looked at Alex and he had a warm reassuring sad smile plastered on his face. He moved hair strands away from face wiping away escaped tears. "now breathe with me, baby girl".





"Focus on me, focus on your brothers". Alex cooed. But it wasn't working which made me panic more. "I can't breathe". I choked out only for him to look at me with a sad smile. "yes you can baby, you can do this"! Alex smile reassuringly. "now focus on something. Focus on Louis's dumb big head or his dumb mismatching pair of socks". I looked down at Louis socks to find they were mismatched. One pair had astronauts while the other had bacon it made me giggle a bit. "HEY"! Louis called out pulling his hands in surrender. I giggled again and they all looked at me with soft smiles. "There we go, baby". Alex's calm deep voice sang. "breathe". I breathed in the patten Alex was showing me.

Once I was a lot calmer I rested my head on Bruno's shoulder sniffling. "Are you ok my baby girl"? Vince asked softly. "Yeah I am ok thanks...I'm sorry". I added feeling embarrassed. I am used to dealing with those alone. It is so embarrassing to have done that in front of Vince and the boys.  "Don't you dare be sorry". Louis breathed out narrowing his deathly eyes at me. "It's embarrassing". I muttered looking down at my shoes. Only for my chin to be raised so now, I was looking at Louis. "what's embarrassing"? He asked raising an eyebrow.

"To look so weak". I said in a 'duh' tone. Their faces all turned to frowns and they looked at me shaking their heads. "Listen to me! you are not weak and You never will be weak. You want to know why"? I scrunched my head in confusion and tilted my head.

"because you are a Moretti".

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