Chapter 36

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happy anniversary 

happy anniversary 

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"W-what are you doing"? I asked feeling horror fled through my body as I looked at Mikes sinister smile. "teaching you a lesson". Margaret had being in bed all day today, feeling sorrow and grief for John her late husband. Every anniversary Margaret closes everyone off and locks herself in her and Mikes room. Mike unbuckled his belt the grabbed a fistful of my hair bringing his face inches away from mine. "Did you seriously think I would let you get away". Tears built in my eyes I tried getting out of his hold trying my best to push him away.

But it was hopeless

"did you seriously think I would let you die bitch"! he snarled then spat on me. I felt so disgusted with myself the tears fell down my bruised cheeks like a waterfall. "I-I am sorry". I tried begging for forgiveness he had already done so much damage. If he does anything else he probably will kill me. Mike had just caught me with a rope around my neck and about to jump from a chair.

Now I am going to pay the price in hell.

I whimpered as he started to tell me about the sinister and evil things he wanted to do to me. my bottom lip quivered and my heart felt drained. Why couldn't I just die? Why couldn't my pain just end? "Don't worry little slut you might actually enjoy this". He started to forcefully suck my neck while holding my hands behind my back. My body fell limp under his heavy body and I felt myself drain in defeat. This is just the life I have to accept.

"Stop fighting princess you might enjoy yourself".

I woke up hearing soft voices around me and a loud beeping noise. My head throbbed making me lightly whimper and cuddle more into the blankets. "She's awake". I heard someone say. "shut the fuck up Luke we can see that she is awake"! another voice whisper yelled. "well SoRry". The person mumbled. I then felt someone move stray hair strands away from my face and lightly caressed my cheek. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Alex smiling softly at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes. I groggily wiped the sleep from my eyes and sat up yawning and stretching. "well morning sleepy head". Alex said moving my hair of my shoulders. I blinked at him then looked around the room and saw that everyone was in the room including dad. Dad sat in the corner of the room with his legs crossed and his elbow on the armrest staring at me with a thinking face. I snapped out of my thoughts when the bed dipped next to me and Bruno wrapped his arms around me side hugging me. I noticed I was still in my own bedroom but I was connected to a machine which monitored my heartbeat and stuff. "w-what happened". My voice croaked and my throat felt a little sore. Milo passed me a glass of water giving me a sad smile and a kiss on the head. My face cringed at the gesture and I couldn't help but shudder at the reminder of Mike.

"You had a panic attack sweetheart, we came just in time. you gave us all quite a fright". Alex said sitting on the end of my bed giving me a smile. "sorry". I mumbled shifting in my seat uncomfortably. They all stared at me with blank serious faces staring at me closely watching my every move. "Don't be sorry, sweetheart! Never be sorry for something like that"! Alex reassured me, giving me a large warm smile. I gave him a tight small smile in return. Dad then got out of his chair and walked over to me. I watched his every move and every step. He kissed my temple and gently rubbed my back. he then sat directly in front of me and grabbed my hands giving them a small squeeze. "how are you feeling Bambina"? I sighed heavily and weakly nodded. "fine". I muttered under my breath and looked down to my lap. Dad then lifted my chin with his index finger. "never look down especially when your eyes are made of stars what are ready to shine". I looked at him weirdly and my heart warmed but I also felt uncomfortable. I. hate. Compliments. "err you too". I stuttered among my words earning loud chuckles and for dad to look at me amused with his eyebrows raised. Dad then sighed heavily and muttered something under his breath catching my attention.

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