Chapter one| When being good is bad

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Chapter one| When being good is bad

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Chapter one| When being good is bad

I pushed past the familiar doors, painted to a brighter shade of cherry red over the summer break. My feet scraped tiredly across the floor as the chatter suffocated me whole. Voices laced with both excitement and dread filled the school hallway.

Some were excited, trying to share their summer experiences as fast as they could. Others cursed the very existence of the school and education system, wishing that summer break never came to an end.

Seeing such a variety of expressions and voices filling the cramped space hallway was both over-stimulating and annoying.

Without my notice, a gigantic hand came on my shoulder and patted too hard, almost making me kiss the already dirty floor. I huffed as I regained my breath and balance and turned to glare at the atrocity I called my best friend.

Connor Chandler just chuckled in response, with his shaggy strawberry blonde hair fluttering around him (in the non-existent wind), and icy blue eyes twinkling with humor.

"Well, it looks like you lost your muscles over the break, Elias," he mocked with fake concern, amusement dancing through his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at his statement and shrugged his hand away from my shoulder. "Seems like you lost your non-existent brain, want my help finding it? Oh, wait you never had one to begin with." My words amused him to no end, making hearty laughter slip past his lips. I huffed in response and rushed towards my locker.

My eyes scanned the surroundings and noticed the female population of school admiring the evident changes in Connor's appearance. It was impossible not to, with the tautness of his muscles and the golden tan of his skin he had gained over the summer. He was already an above average looking guy but with the magic of this summer, he was now in the 'HOT' male category.

Now you wish you had agreed with him and joined sports camp too, instead of spending days filling yourself up with bookish knowledge and ice-cream? Maybe then you would have been successful in gaining her attention. The snarky voice of consciousness called out. Teenage self-depreciation habits right there.

I shook my head at my thoughts and looked up from my dirty blue converse.

Leaning against my locker was none other than Navya Kapur, the only girl to grab Connor's attention and his longtime girlfriend. Her long dark hair was collected in a complicated braid as she was leaning over her phone, oblivious to her surroundings.

With a mischievous smile on his face, Connor slipped his arms around her waist. She gasped in surprise, with her brown eyes turning wide. A choked scream slipped past her lips, getting lost in the havoc of voices in the hallway. Connor laughed as he twirled her around in his arms.

All the while, some female eyes turned away in disappointment. A few persistent girls still followed his movements. A group sighed in envy, making me shiver.

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