Chapter thirty-eight | Like a China dish

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Chapter thirty-eight | Like a China dish

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Chapter thirty-eight | Like a China dish

I hummed a song softly as a smile filled my face. Just after returning from Eli's place, I still felt the high of his touches and kisses.

Our images from last night filled my brain, making me blush slightly.

I bit my lips hard to contain the grin that tried to make its way on my face. Pulling the dress over my head, I dropped it in a messy pile on the floor along with my undergarments.

Stepping into the bathroom, I washed away his scent from my body with the sticky feeling of sex sweat. Overall, my mood was great, and my heart felt lighter.

I nearly jumped in joy at the thought of Eli loving me as I loved him. Yes, I was yet to tell him about my actual feelings, but the thought of him reciprocating them filled me with euphoria. I need to overcome my guilt, for it was acting as a hindrance.

I turned my gaze towards the window, looking straight into his. For any other person, looking into their window without them knowing would have been weird. But in my case, I am stalking the guy I love.

The guy I love! I nearly squealed at the thought. Gosh, I was being so annoying and repetitive.

My eyes scanned his features as he fussed with his laptop. He was most probably working on his schoolwork, so I left him at peace.

I jumped down the steps, making my way towards the kitchen. My stomach growled, displaying its need for food.

Agreeing with its demand, I rummaged through the drawers.

Finally, settling with a steaming cup of black coffee and toasts, I swayed my feet like a kid, enjoying the bitter taste on my tongue.

The house was empty, telling me that Lea had once again spent the night somewhere else. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bothered about her presence or her safety at all.

Sighing, I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and hopped up the stairs.

Grabbing a rare copy of a novel from my bookshelf, I immersed myself in the story. Soon, I was lost in the worlds of words.

I jumped startled as my door closed with a bang. My eyes met dark gray unfocused eyes. They had red rims around them as Jacob swayed on his spot.

He offered a slow grin, making me scowl at him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said acidly.

He flinched a bit at my tone but didn't waver from his aim. Taking a step closer to me, he erased some distance between us.

"You need to stop whatever you are doing with that nerd. What is his name? Yeah, Elias. Break up or whatever... with that douche Elias," he slurred, making me cringe.

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