Chapter forty-one | Memories bring back pain

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Chapter forty-one | Memories bring back pain

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Chapter forty-one | Memories bring back pain

I ran a hand through my hair, as I checked the time for the third time in the last five minutes. My hair was a mess with a mass of tangles collected in a messy bun, with stray hair all around.

Not bothering to doll up, I showed up at the diner parking fifteen minutes before the decided time. People gave me a weird stare as now and then as the savory smell of breakfast dishes wafted towards me. My stomach begged me to go in and jump in the mouth-watering food.

I sighed as I expected Eli's arrival. My eyes had dark bags beneath them, which were hiding below my concealer. A faint taste of raspberry lip balm filled my mouth as I ran my tongue over my lips.

A familiar car pulled up in the parking, making me sigh in relief. I half expected him to bail on this conversation and this dreaded meeting. My stare remained fixed on his way as he got out of the car and scanned the parking.

His eyes first moved beyond me, but with a startled expression, they returned to my face.

Eli whispered something under his breath as his eyes remained locked with mine. We took steps closer to each other, hesitation visible through our shaky movements.

"Hey," he started. "How are you?" Eli ran a hand through his messy locks, looking like he just survived hell.

My heart twinged painfully at the platonic question he asked. I gave a small fake smile and returned his greeting. "Good Morning, Let's get some breakfast?" I asked, tilting my head towards the diner beside us.

His eyes went to the bright yellow door behind us as something flashed through his eyes. I was sure that he was thinking about our last visit here. We were just friends then, but we were far closer than we were now.

Heaving a heavy sigh, he nodded as his shoulders slumped forward. I bit my lips to reign my words of concern in, trying not to look clingy.

A soft hum of music surrounded us as families and couples enjoyed the mouth-watering food. His stomach gave a pained groan, gaining our attention.

I released a small giggle as he blushed with shyness absorbing his form. Somehow that faint pink gave me hope, giving me a peek of the old Eli. "Looks like it is a good hungry morning for you." I teased.

Eli shook his head at my words, as his similar words from some time before echoed in my mind.

"Seems like a good hungry morning," Eli joked.

I shook my head at the memory. It was only a few weeks back but felt like years before. His smiling face from then when compared to his impassive face now, made my heartache.

The waiter appeared beside us with a commercial grin on his face. "Hey, what can I get this young couple?" His eyes flickered between Eli and me.

I froze as Eli gave me a look. Not bothering to correct him, he cleared his throat.

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