Chapter twenty-five | The crowd entertainer

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Chapter twenty-five | The crowd entertainer

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Chapter twenty-five | The crowd entertainer

My ears rang as the wild cheering of the crowd filled the ground.

The game was in full swing as thrill rushed through many students. Adrenaline kicked into my body for a different reason altogether as I felt my body being pushed into the air.

For a moment, my world tilted as everything turned upside down. The moment was a short one, but it was enough to send blood rushing to my head.

Air kissed along my skin, sucking on the light beads of sweat along my neck.

Soon the gravity crashed down on me, bringing me down with acceleration.

My team members caught me, and we quickly took back our formation with a bright smile.

Cheerleaders are supposed to smile all the time.

A really fucking hard task when you are sweating buckets and panting like a dog.

As our performance ended, we took a break. My eyes moved towards the ground with a hint of interest.

Our football player rushed around with the ball in their possession as the other team tried to stop their path.

Our team was at an advantage as they played on the familiar ground with the home crowd on their side.

As the crowd hollered, my eyes moved towards the bleachers.

No one was paying attention to the cheerleaders, except (of course) the perverts wanting to look under our skirts and the lost souls forced to attend the match.

So it was easy to locate him in the mob of enthralled people. Like a sore thumb, he stood out in the crowd.

While everyone's eyes were focused on the game, he was staring our way.

Meeting his cerulean gaze, I raised my hand in a wave. A small smile filled my face, more genuine than any other smiles in the past hour.

Following my lead, he raised his hand waving it in the air.

"You guys are surely having something between each other," Fern commented, following the lead of my eyes.

Her words were barely audible over the screaming, but they still brought out my annoyance.

Ready to retort, I turned around just in time to notice Andrea nodding in agreement as she gulped down hearty sips of water.

"Nothing is going on between us," I muttered, tugging on my scrunchie. "We are just friends."

I gathered the loose tendrils that had escaped my ponytail and bound them in the rubber. I resisted the urge to itch as my uniform stuck to my sweaty skin.

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