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Harry's pov

It was the last day of school for the school year. I sat in dracos lap on the train. Ron was in blaises lap, both were fast asleep, Ron's snoring was overly loud like always. Draco was playing with my hair and were talking through mindlink. Hermione was reading a book as Pansy used her shoulder as a pillow and was writing.

'Stop looking so sad!' Draco said kissing my head. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him hiding my face in his neck

'I'm really going to miss you dray' I said holding onto him tigher. He pulled me away and kissed my lips

'Next year you're stuck with me, all year' he said wiping a tear from my face that I didn't even know was there. I smiled sadly and kissed his cheek before resting my head on his shoulder.

"Ah!" Ron yelled suddenly jumping awake

"Spiders?" I asked as blaise woke suddenly and looked at his boyfriend concerned.

"Y- y- yeah" ron mumbled looking away from blaise. I laughed

"You need to stop dreaming of them, if you wake me up like that every night these holidays I'm leaving" I said jokingly. Ron rolled his eyes and cuddled into blaise who wrapped his arms around ron protectively.

★彡 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 彡★

We pulled up to the platform. I wrapped my arms tight around draco as the train came to a stop.

"Clingy" pansy said getting her bag

"Shut it Parkinson" draco said kissing my shoulder before getting up, me still in his arms. I pulled away and grabbed my bag before taking his hand as we walked of the train with our friends. I seen molly almost instantly, I wrapped my arms around draco and held onto him tight. He hugged me back tightly. Ron kissed blaise goodbye and promised to write to him. Hermione hugged Pansy and kissed her cheek saying goodbye, her and Ron walking over to molly.

"Draco" a voice said behind me giving me a fright. Mrs Malfoy

"Mother" draco said still holing onto me

"We better go. Your father wants to talk to you" she said looking over to her husband who was standing far away talking to blaises parents. Draco nodded his head and let go of me and kissed me deeply

"Bye" he said kissing me again

"Goodbye" I whispered as he walked away with his mother

"Harry! Hurry up!" Ron called. I ran over to them, ron wrapped his arms around my shoulders and started saying jokes as we made our way to the borrow.

"Who wants burgers for dinner?" Molly said happily. We all cheered for them. Ginny was walking beside me, Ron pulled me away from her and gave her a horrible look.

"Oh ginny. Your father and I need to talk to you about your behavior" molly said, her voice suddenly not so kind. Fred and George gave eachother an excited look

"Angry mum is no fun Gin" fred whispered to her

"Take it from us" George said before winking at his brother as Ginny shivered.

At the borrow ron, hermione and I went up to his room and all sat down on the floor. I hugged my legs to my chest and stared into the fire.

"You'll see him next year mate!" Ron said. I nodded my head

"Hes being dramatic" hermione said. Ron rolled his eyes at her and grabbed his wizards chess

"Come on, might cheer you up" he said setting it up.

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