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Dracos pov

"Shes a horrible bloody gargoyle! How are we ment to learn how to defend ourselves?!" Hermione said to harry, although harry wasnt really paying attention. He was holding my hand tightly, kissing it every once in a while as I studied.

"Babe, you need to calm down. You have been saying the same thing over and over for about an hour now. There is nothing we can do about her" pansy said kissing hermione to shut her up.

"Hi!" Ron said as he and blaise walked over to us hand in hand.

"Hey!" Harry said suddenly coming back into reality. I smiled and said a quick hello before continuing to study, but blaise shut the book I was reading before clearing his throat

"Ron and I were thinking, hermione and Pansy go out on dates all the time, us boys are never invited. So, if you two want to, we four can go on double dates once a week?" Blaise said looking at harry and I for any sign we may want to. I really wanted to, but I didnt know if harry did

'Do you want to?' He asked

'Yeah, if you do' I replied. He smiled and nodded his head

"We're in" he replied. Ron made a strange noise that I didnt know humans could make and jumped up and down on the spot in excitement. The two soon left, I started studying again. Soon harry crawled into my lap, hugging my torso and laying his head on my shoulder as his legs wrapped around my waist.

"Keep studying, I just want cuddles" he said sleepily. I smiled and kissed his shoulder before continuing to read and write down what I think may be relevant. Soon soft snores came from harry making me laugh a little. Hermione smiled at him

"Hes always going to sleep when hes ment to be studying" she said, although she was trying not to laugh. Pansy smiled at me and continued to study.

Ron's pov

I held blaises hand as we walked around Hogwarts. We weren't talking, just enjoying one another's company.

"Hello Mr Wheezy sir!" Dobby said giving me a fright

"Wheezy?" Blaise said smirking

"Hiya Dobby!" I said ignoring my boyfriend.

"Have you seen Mr Harry Potter sir?" He asked. I nodded my head as dobby asked if he was happy with 'Master Draco Malfoy'. We talked for a little before blaise pulled me away saying goodbye to Dobby.

"You're friends with him?" Blaise asked

"More harry than me, but yeah I guess you could say that" I replied. Blaise smiled and kissed me deeply.

We walked out to where we want to have our double date with Harry and Draco. I just hope they dont think we are invading their privacy

Again I am so sorry for the short chapter, I have been getting a lot of school work thrown at me and I'm in trouble with my school because I have been putting my writing and editing for my fan accounts first before my school work. My teachers are getting upset with me and I'm falling behind in maths... but I'm gonna still try and give you guys some chapters... I hope you guys understand

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