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dracos pov

"come on harry you need to do your homework" I grumbled. it was now the next day and harry had gone from complaining and being completely sore to being very energetic

"nooo I don't want to" he complained. I sighed, over the last couple of days harry submission towards me has been getting stronger and stronger, my dominant side was struggling to keep it at this point. I wanted to be able to be in charge of him and completely control the spot I'm given to be his master but I couldn't bring up the conversation, but I guess if he doesnt want to do work that's showing even more submissive behavior towards me. I have to talk to him about it

"kitten" I said softly. harry looked at me questionably

"come here" I said pointing at my lap, he took no time in being there and smiled at me

"I need to talk to you about.... well your boundaries"

"what do you mean?" he asked, although the look in his eye told me he knew exactly what

"harry. I want to completely dominate you and completely be your master" I said. his eyes widened and his tail swung excitedly

"you do know what that means harry? we will have rules and you will have to follow them. I want to be able to tie you to that bed whenever I want you to not hold back and use your full submission" I said rubbing the spot on his neck I had marked.

"yes, yes please" he said his tail swaying even more now against my leg. I smiled and grabbed the ring on his collar and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"harry, I want you to start calling me sir more than my name, if you leave this house with out me I want you to tell me exactly where you are going and when you will get back" I said, letting my full dominance take over

"yes sir" he whispered against my lips. I smirked and ran my hands over his stomach as he kissed me again. but we were interrupted by a knock at the portrait

"for fuck sake" I grumbled and placed harry down on the couch before going to the portrait

"hello Neville" I said in fake kindness

"sorry for being a pain but can you look after Luna for me? last night me and her fell completely into our sub and dom ways and I dont want to leave her alone with out a dominant around to calm her of my absence" he said. I sighed and nodded my head. I looked back to where I had placed harry and he wasn't there. there was a squeak as a mouse ran out of the room and then a black cat ran after it.

"ugh harry!" I yelled angrily. he stopped and looked up at me with his big green eyes almost scared. I picked him up and walked back inside and sat him on the ground angry that he was stupid enough to run after a mouse.

"I can look after her Nev no problem" I said.

"thank you so much Draco!" he said and walked in with his hand on Lunas back. I sighed and looked at harry who was now in his normal human form and  drinking from his milk.

"what time are you getting back?" I asked

"only about 20ish minutes" he said calmly. only 20 minutes? surely she could take care of herself!

"okay" I responded. he kissed luna and then walked out of the apartment shutting the portrait behind him

"fucking asshole" I grumbled. when I turned around luna and harry were wrapped in each others arms. I sighed

"you two want food?" I asked. luna nodded her head

"yes please, sir" harry called making me smile a little. I walked over and started making homemade pizza remembering how much he loved it in the holidays when we were staying with the weasley family. suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me

"kinda annoyed she's here" harry mumbled making me laugh under my breath, thankfully I wasn't the only one that thought that way

"you could have said you had me strapped to the bed completely ready for you so no, no we couldn't look after her" he whispered making my legs feel weak

"okay go sit down" I said, slight warning in my voice. he sighed a little and pulled away going back over to Luna who had just finished up setting up a game of wizards chess.

as promised Neville came back about 20 minutes after, Luna ran straight into his arms, he said a quick thank you and left. as soon as they left harry went to get into that outfit of his, once again stealing a hoodie of mine.

"kitten! come here please!" I called after about 10 minutes of him being upstairs. he soon appeared at the bottom of the stairs, I pointed at my lap and he happily came over and sat in my lap facing me. I smiled and reached up to play with his ears, wrapping my wings around him. I played with the ring on his collar for a little before looping my finger in it and pulling him closer to me kissing him deeply. he pulled himself closer and wrapped his arms around my neck

It was you - Drarry Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ