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Harry's POV

Narcissa and draco had left to the other room to talk leaving me and Lucius to sit with our drinks in an awkward silence, my ass hurt after what happened about an hour ago

"I heard you guys... maybe out a silencing spell up next" he said. I looked up and blushed cuddling more into dracos hoodie. he laughed

"nothing to be ashamed about" he said calmly. I sighed and looked into the cup

"when's he getting back?" I mums sadly, my ears flat against my head. Lucius shrugged

"one of the oh so great things about Narcissa, she leaves for hours and doesnt tell you where she is or when she will get back. you see all the things shes telling draco not to do to you she does to me daily" he said looking down. I frowned sadly

"I'm not a Neko but we are both submissive's, so we act almost the same.... you always feel the need to he held, someone's arms around you even if it's not draco sometimes am I right?" he asked. i nodded my head, I always had that feeling but has got stronger since my submission took over. he sighed

"she sometimes leaves me here for days with no human contact. as horrible as it sounds I have learned to try ignore that feeling" he said sadly


"dont... we both know how torturous it is" he said giving me a half hearted smile. I sighed

"you look like you have that feeling now" he commented. I nodded my head and he laughed

"same here, son" he said. I smiled at the name but started crying, I didn't want me and draco to end up like that. suddenly he picked me up and held me in his arms. I purred at the warm human contact. he laughed and lay on the couch

"let's make them feel bad yeah? we sleep and they come back to us asleep, obviously needing them" he said in a way that sounded like fred and George, anything for a little bit of trouble. instead of saying yes I just cuddled in to the man I now thought of as a father.

dracos pov

"we need to go back inside I'm worried about harry" I said.

"he'll be fine" my mother said waving a hand. I sighed

"no mother please" i begged. she sighed and stood up leading me back to the house

"what is this?" she said once she had walked into the living room I gave her a confused look and pushed past her to see harry with a tear stained face asleep cuddling with my father who was also sound asleep.

"I told you!" I said angrily going over there but mother placed a hand on my shoulder

"let them sleep" she said, she sounded angry

"I will. but harry will be sleeping in my arms!" I yelled.

"dray?" harry soft voice called. I turned around to him and pulled him into my arms. he wrapped his arms and legs around me and started crying into my shoulder. I sent my mother an angry look and walked up stairs with harry. I sighed and sat him down on the bed and pulled him into my arms

"what's wrong darling?" I asked

"Lu- Lucius told m- me how his and Narcissas r- relationship is so tox- toxic and I dont want u- us to be like that" he said, his crying cutting him off.

"oh darling, I promise it will never be like that!" I said kissing his lips. he smiled and sat in my lap facing me and took one of my hands.

"mother was saying that we shouldn't go back to school like normal" I told him. he looked up at me and sighed

"but I dont want to stay here... no offense or anything but Lucius needs time alone with her" harry said. I smiled understandably, i didn't want to stay here

"how about i talk to Dumbledore? maybe we can work something out?" i said kissing his lips. he nodded his head

"we will go see him the morning alright darling? we should sleep now" I said softly.

sorry for posting so much😂😂

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