Chapter 22

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Over dinner, the ballroom hummed with soft conversation amongst the tables. Many debated how John's Rogue army traveled through their lands undetected. It was impossible for any living being, especially a large group of Rogues, to have no scent and make no sound. A few Alphas, with packs closer to the human towns, reached out to their allies asking if they'd noticed anything strange.

"Let's hope someone will have information to share soon," Dainin's wolf sighed. He was eager to know exactly what they were up against.

Dainin watched a group of the newly appointed Alphas approach Tessa's table with grave expressions. "I'm sure they didn't expect their first conference to drop a war at their feet," Dainin's wolf pointed out.

"Well, I guess this is one way to put their leadership skills to the test," Dainin added, admiring Tessa's patience as she gave each of them her undivided attention. Many Alphas would never bother with helping another pack leader. They hoped a pack would fail so a new territory would be up for grabs.

"This region has a rare sense of comradery and trust we've never seen before," his wolf noted. Neither of them believed this level of unity was possible.

"You're doing great, Tess. It will be over soon," Dainin sent his support after feeling her frustration grow through the bond.

She turned briefly, meeting his gaze. "This is only the beginning," she sighed, with exhaustion heavy in her voice.

Dainin's heart ached after hearing her defeated tone. He knew she blamed herself for this and the grief for her family still weighed heavily on her heart. Both he, and his wolf, wished they could take all the stress away and make this problem disappear.

"We'll get the chance eventually," his wolf growled, imagining John pinned beneath his claws. They both were holding it together for that moment.

After the sun set,  many guests retired for the evening. Cadence didn't linger after dessert, excusing herself to finish preparations for the Warrior's Exam expected to take place in the morning. The Elders felt it was right to continue the conference as scheduled because adding more warriors to the ranks would prove beneficial. It was an event Dainin never witnessed before.

"Each pack brings a handful of young warriors to pass the trials together. This annual exam keeps packs accountable and young warriors hungry to prove their worth. It's a pretty equal system, even if some packs excel more than others," Zander explained during last night's training. Dainin knew he was discreetly referring to the Warriors of Blue Ridge as the strongest, but it was a claim Dainin couldn't argue.

After carefully observing the group, Dainin noticed an obvious hierarchy amongst the Alphas and their pack's position with Blue Ridge at the top. The status and strength of Blue Ridge were why John wanted power over Tessa's pack. If she were as greedy and power-hungry as him, she could easily rule over the region.

"They trust she would never turn on them, which I'm sure is why they are so quick to help," his wolf admired. That fact alone made John's betrayal harder to accept. Tessa held everything together on trust, counted on it, now the one she trusted most hurt her in the worst gut-wrenching way. It made him sick just thinking about it.

Dainin was pulled from his thoughts as movement caught his eye. Zander stood, placing a reassuring hand on Tessa's shoulder, before making his way out of the ballroom. He paused a moment in front of Dainin's table with a cold blank expression.

"I'm going to join my father in the cells," he spoke in a hushed tone. "He seems to be making progress with his interrogation of the prisoner we captured this morning," he informed Dainin, and without waiting for a reply Zander continued to the doors and was gone.

Dainin made a mental note to get an update from Tyler first thing in the morning and he hoped it wasn't a pleasant experience for the Rogue. At this point, they needed any information they could get by any means necessary.

With the door slamming shut, silence encased the room, except for the occasional sound of dishes clanging together while the kitchen staff cleared the tables. Dainin rose from his seat to slowly approach Tessa. She hadn't moved since Zander left and was sitting in a daze with her eyes staring off into the distance.

Dainin could see the gears turning in her head, planning, calculating, and thinking about any and every outcome of the coming days. He knew because he'd be thinking about the same things in her position.

When he reached her, Dainin gently intertwined their fingers and pulled her hand away from her chin. The sparks from the bond pulsed strongly between their palms, bringing her thoughts to the present.

"Dainin," she whispered, shaking her head for a moment of clarity. He gave Tessa a small smile while his other hand skimmed lightly over her cheek into her soft hair.

Tilting her head up, he saw her eyes were filled with worry. "Come to bed, love," he urged calmly. "It's been a long day and I'm sure tomorrow will be even longer." He was pleased when she nodded slowly and rose from her seat.

Dainin draped his arm over her shoulders, pulling her close, and a warmth spread through his chest as her body seemed to melt into his. "She fits us so perfectly," his wolf spoke in awe, and Dainin couldn't help but place a kiss on top of her head. Her sweet hum of approval only made him want to carry her in his arms, but he resisted the urge, enjoying the gentle sway of their steps together.


Once alone in her room, Dainin pulled her into his arms and simply held her. He was memorizing the way her body felt against his as if it would be the last time. Neither of them knew what the future would hold. There could be a lot to gain from this battle, but they understood there was a lot at stake too.

Allowing their feelings to flow through the bond freely, Dainin knew no words could express how they were feeling. They needed each other more than anything and he was already thinking of all the ways he would make Tessa forget her troubles just for the night.

Pushing Tessa's hair gently away from her face, Dainin pressed a lingering kiss just under her ear as he held her in place at the base of her neck. His free hand snuck under her blouse spreading over the small of her back before pulling her further into his embrace. He could feel her body already heating up with each kiss he placed along her jaw.

Dainin brushed his lips over her own to kiss along the other side of her jaw, making Tessa whimper in pleasure. As Dainin squeezed the hair he held at the nape of her neck, his other fingers slowly traced down her spine, causing her body to arch into him.

Her involuntary reaction made him smirk and running his nose over the sensitive skin of his mark sent a shudder through Tessa's body. Dainin kept a gentle, yet firm, grasp on her hair and turned Tessa's body until her back faced the bed. He slowly led her backward, giving into temptation by claiming her full lips in a slow sensual kiss.

Tessa tried to gain control but Dainin released a growl of dominance that sent another satisfying shudder through her body. He was in control and he would have her begging for him before the night was through.

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