Chapter 29

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Darkness surrounded Dainin while his body burned with volts of electricity coursing beneath his skin. He had no idea how long he had been trapped in this hell. His body could have been floating in the never-ending abyss for days, or even months, with only his erratic heartbeat reminding him he was alive. The white noise was keeping him disoriented and he couldn't tell which way was up or down.

Although Dainin couldn't feel their connections anymore, thoughts of Tessa and his pack kept him calm. He needed them to keep his mind off the absence of his wolf. Ever since Dainin regained consciousness, he prayed to the goddess that whatever the woman did to him, didn't erase his wolf forever.

Without warning, Dainin felt a pounding pressure in his head and internally screamed in agony. His mind was suddenly ripped away from the darkness and into the light. After his blurred vision cleared, Dainin saw he was in a cell.

Immediately searching for signs of danger, Dainin noticed a figure watching him from the corner of the room. When he tried to attack his captor, a searing pain stopped him. "What the hell," he growled furiously, looking down at his limbs to find silver chains bound him to a chair in the middle of the room.

"I should have known," he cursed his luck. Now he understood why he couldn't feel his wolf or anyone else. The silver chains were blocking them out with their poison. He glared at his captor, sending waves of authority through the small space.

"Who are you," Dainin demanded, attempting to lunge at the hooded figure again. He didn't care if the silver burned his flesh, he was ready to rip it apart. A dark laugh echoed through the cell, trying to be intimidating, but Dainin wasn't afraid. He was furious and sent the promise of death through his glare.

"My, aren't you tough," it mocked him in a cold raspy voice as it pushed off the wall. "But you're wasting your time because you're not going anywhere," it paused, stepping into the light and pulling its hood back. "Nephew."

Dainin's eyes grew wide in horror. "Nephew," he silently wondered. It was impossible since his Uncle was dead and the creature standing before him hardly resembled a man. Its face was disfigured like a wolf, frozen mid-shift, with fire red eyes and a sinister smirk playing on its lips, revealing a row of sharp teeth.

"What? Don't you recognize me," it cackled, sarcasm flooding its tone. It seemed to enjoy Dainin's confusion.

"No," Dainin shrugged, refusing to care if this beast was his uncle.

His attitude angered the monster earning him a punch to the jaw. The force tipped the chair over and Dainin's bare chest landed on the silver chains balled up on the ground. The contact instantly burned his skin, making him silently groan in pain. He refused to entertain the creature with his suffering.

In seconds he was upright and face to face with the grotesque beast. Saliva dripped from its mutated mouth as it growled impatiently. "Don't play dumb with me, boy," it roared.

Dainin cringed in disgust when the hot saliva sprayed his face, but he remained impassive at its outburst. Dainin quickly reared his head back and then crashed it into the creature's snout. He smirked, watching it painfully struggle to get its bearings.

"Sorry, I really like my personal space. You better remember that Uncle," he mocked, watching the beast pace the small cell.

A ferocious growl shook the room with the beast racing back in front of Dainin, snapping its jaws. "You were never meant to be an Alpha. Your blood doesn't deserve it," it spoke, through gritted teeth.

Dainin's curiosity got the better of him. He needed to find out what this crazed maniac was planning and why. Dainin remained silent, keeping his face emotionless while waiting for it to continue. Instead, it began talking to itself in its crazed state as if it were lost in the past.

"It would have been me if your worthless father hadn't found his mate first, but the council wanted an heir and ripped my birthright from me. I always hated that rule! They all overlooked his obvious weaknesses all because he found his mate," it spat in distaste, turning away from Dainin, enraged.

"Look how it all turned out. They said I wasn't even good enough to be his Beta," it laughed humorously. "Well, now they're all dead so what do they know." Its mouth twisted into a sinister smile. "My plan to take over was flawless until my so-called allies betrayed me and took the land for themselves," it sneered.

Dainin was struggling to keep his mouth shut. His "Uncle" was obviously a psychotic murderer.

"If you were wondering, they're dead too," it proudly clarified, leaving Dainin stunned at its carefree admissions of killing hundreds of wolves. Life meant nothing to this thing.

"We all heard you died, but now you're here looking as ugly as ever," Dainin cursed his smart mouth, but instead of rage, the beast laughed.

"Part of me did die," it chuckled, then looked to Dainin with its red eyes and a serious expression. "My weak human side is dead," it admitted, and once again the smile returned to its face.

A chill ran down Dainin's spine as he saw no remorse or regret in the creature's eyes. Its monologue only confirmed how much danger he and the packs were in. "What does this have to do with Blue Ridge and my pack," Dainin growled, trying to free his hands from the chains.

The creature cocked its head to the side, stalking slowly towards him while baring its teeth. "Isn't it obvious? It's not just your packs, but it's the entire region I need. Rogues are great and all, but they can't bring me to power. I need trained warriors to control," it scoffed, kneeling in front of Dainin to meet his eyes.

"As you know, John has been helping me. He told me all about your mate's little "exam" and with all those warriors in one territory how could I resist? I'll be unstoppable," it declared, its eyes clouding over, imagining the possibilities.

It stood, stalking towards the cell doors laughing. "As much as I'd love to catch up, it's time for the battle to begin," it exclaimed, slamming the cell door closed behind it.

It paused for a moment, gazing back at Dainin through the bars with a cruel expression. "I'm looking forward to watching the life drain from your mate's eyes by the way. Just like I enjoyed watching the blood spill from your parents," it snarled, and with his last admission, he was gone leaving Dainin alone in the dark.

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