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Jungkook kept on calling his name, but Taehyung was just heading straight without giving any glance to the junior.

"Sir! Kim sir! Hey ! Wait up! Can't you hear me ? Hey you chalk shit turn the fucking around!!" Jungkook shouted on lungs, Taehyung stopped but he just went on ignoring him again.

"Wahhh!!" Jungkook sighed and again started chasing him.

"Heyy listen I really need you to listen to me..." Jungkook said somehow grabbing his hand to stop him. Taehyung felt shiver feeling the foreign touch on his skin. He yanked his hand away and gave a simple glare at him to stop him.

But Jungkook came here with a solid heart that he'll talk with him no matter what.

"Hey can't you even reply to me? I know you can speak so why ignore me? Hey I'm sorry for what I did that day.... Hey are you listening? Hey Kim sir? Hey Taehyung right?" Jungkook is shouting all this in a crowd full of people following Taehyung who was ignoring him like dust.

"Heyy do you think I'm that easy? Hey, I wanna clear what happened that day so that I don't get on your bad side, you understand?" He said in fun way swaying his hands and by now they were in a less crowded area of the university.

Taehyung was now fed up with the guy following him, and same goes to Jungkook who was following. Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's backpack and pulled it towards himself. Taehyung's grip on the bag was loose so it somehow got ripped and a lot of stuff got scattered everywhere. Jungkook and Taehyung both eyed on the stuff scattered on the ground , it had packets of cigarettes and boxes of chalk . Both of them were shocked.

Taehyung clutched his fist in anger, he eyed Jungkook who was already fearing what was going to happen next. Taehyung came forward towards him and Jungkook started putting guard with his arms but Taehyung grabbed his neck and pinned him to the wall.

"Listen you motherfucker , I am ignoring you as much as I can but if you'll get on my nerves , I really don't know what I'll do." Taehyung said just inches away from his face in deep voice clutching his neck as hard as he could. Jungkook was really dying because of loss of breath , he was unable to breathe properly.

"Li----sstee---nnnn I'm----- so----ahnahn---so--rryhh. Let----me----go." Taehyung released him from his grip and started collecting his stuff in hurry.

Jungkook was coughing to get back his breath , he was red and his eyes had tears in them , his neck got red hand marks.

"Hey I'm again sorry for kissing you , that was a dare given by my seniors." Jungkook said still defending. "And I'll not tell anyone about that chalk thing, I swear."

Taehyung closed his eyes and sighed opening back his eyes. He stood up from the ground and straight eyed Jungkook bringing his head towards his face . Their heads touching each other, Jungkook's eyes widened and his lips formed a thin line curling inward. "Now what have I done?" Jungkook thought in his mind.

Taehyung was staring deep in his eyes and his eyes landed on his lips which were curled. He smiled and left without saying anything. And that's when Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Ahhh I thought I was dead there when he choked me ."
Jungkook headed back towards his friends.

"Hey man, where were you?" The others asked.

"Ahh nothing just went to get a book from the library.' Jungkook said sitting in one of the chairs in the cafeteria.

"Hmmm so you got the Kim Taehyung as your teacher!" Jimin said sipping his juice.

"Our bad luck, you know, he literally made the whole class search about some meaningless words for half an hour. And that too for explaining a simple point." Eun Wo said.

Jungkook was silent all the time thinking about those dark eyes staring deep at him.

"Jungkook what's this on your neck? Ohhh so you went somewhere to get some fun huh? Hickeys and red marks, bro. Who's that girl?" They started teasing him.

"What? Hickeys? Red marks?" Jungkook said touching his neck then he realized he was choked by that jerk.

"Ahhh! It's nothing really," he said a little shy.

"Nothing you said huh? It's all visible man.... When are you going to let us meet her?"

"Really it's no one ahhh I'm going." Jungkook picked his bag and went for his another lecture covering the red lines he received from the delinquent.

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