Chapter 12

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I crack my eyes open and groan as pain flashes through me. My face , my back everything hurts like hell. And when Preston made me sleep on the cold floor , I was even more sore. I couldn't sleep at night knowing that he was going to be in the same room as me. I was paranoid that he would try to kill me once I was asleep but surprisingly he didn't.

I try not to make any noise when I use the restroom , I quickly wash up and lay down on the floor , pretending to be asleep. I hear him wake up and I open my eyes and gasp as I see him leaning down on me. I quickly sit up and move backwards , my heart thundering in my chest.

" I have a surprise for you" he says and I look at him in confusion.

" Be ready at 12 " he says further and leaves . I know from his expressions that the surprise is going to be something morbid. I look around the room and gaze at the balcony for a few minutes, an idea suddenly striking at me.

I quickly go towards the balcony and gaze down . We are on the first floor so it won't be difficult to get down. I quickly remove the bedsheets and tie one end of it to the railing and push the other down by rolling it. It hangs a few inches from the ground. I'll easily be able to climb down. My heart thunders in my chest as I start to climb down. I jump as I reach a few inches above the ground . I look around and run.

There's a forest right beside one of the gate. I quickly search for the entry and thank the gods when I spot it. It's covered in leaves and branches so I start shoving it aside and push myself through the tiny hole. Once I'm on the other side and look around. There's just tress everywhere.

Preston had told me about this area once and he wasn't wrong when he had said that no one ever came out of this forest alive.

I contemplate whether to die in the forest or by Preston and the prior feels much better. I start walking and flinch when I hear even a small noise. I keep startling myself by walking on a branch or stepping on something weird.

I don't know for how long I walk but the forest is vast. It feels as if I'm moving in circle. It goes on and on. My legs are all scraped and muddy. In my haste I hadn't worn any sandals. I sit near a tree and wonder if I did the right thing.

Preston wouldn't be able to find me , I had changed the directions so many times that I was sure he wouldn't find me. I jump up when I hear something. A buzz perhaps.

Thinking it as my imagination , I close my eyes and fall asleep.


When I wake up , it's dark. I can't see anything. I stand up and wince as I see branches and what not stuck to the sole of my feet. I start walking , I hadn't asked Preston if there were any wild animals in here.

As I walk further , tears dampen my face. My stomach growls in hunger , my feet hurts like hell and my head is throbbing in pain. I curse Preston for this , for doing to this to me. I would have preferred going to jail .

I sit down for a moment when it gets too much. There's no point in going any further if I don't even see where I'm going. I sit down under the largest tree I can find. I start plucking some leaves and shove them in my mouth.

I can't stop the tears yet again. I cry at my fate. I cry because of the guilt. When I think about Preston's parents,it feels as if someone is crushing my chest. I was stupid to trust a stranger . My naivety is costing me my life , it has killed two people and I hope that there are no more further deaths because of what I've done.

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