Chapter 25

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I counted the pills in my pillowcase and was satisfied when they were more than 15. It  took me days to hide them. They were all getting suspicious because I wasn't getting better so the doctor increased my dose. In a few days I managed to gather 17 pills.

She cried at her fate. She cried for what she was doing. She had no other choice left. If only her parents would have helped her out then she wouldn't even consider this. But they had downright said No. It hurt her that they would believe a complete stranger over her. She had begged to both of them and yet they did not show a tiny amount of remorse or sympathy towards her. Her parents were everything for her. The fact that they were ready to give her up for some money didn't settle her heart.

The only thoughts she had throughout the night were that no one really loved her. It wouldn't matter or bother anyone if she was gone. She wasn't even sure what Preston would do with her body. Would he really throw me in some gutter to rot?

She did not want to think about that. She had convinced herself to this . Nothing was going to get better. It was only going to go downhill and she couldn't suffer anymore. She couldn't suffer at the hands of the people that she loves.

As soon as the maids exit her room , she waits for a few minutes before shoving the pills in her mouth. She gags a few times but manages to swallow them , few pills at a time. She sits up on the bed and closes her eyes as tears pour down her face. She doesn't feel anything at first but then her head gets heavy and her gaze falters.

Bile rises from her throat as she retches on the floor. Her head spins and she falls on the ground as her body shakes. She registers some voices but her body shakes so violently that she cannot focus.


I go through some files trying to find as much as I can about the enemy when the maid barges in my office. My hands instantly goes to to the gun but as soon as I see the maid's face ,I know something's wrong.

" Ma'am took the pills and .." the maid stammers.

Pushing her aside I run towards Alicia's room. She is on the ground , her body shakes violently as blood pours from her mouth. Her eyes rolls to the back of her head as she has a seizure. I freeze.

" Call the fucking doctor" I scream

I quickly go to her side as her seizures subside. She lays unconscious. Making her sit , I plunge two fingers down her throat . She pukes and until I'm  sure that everything is out , I make her puke .

Her head falls on my shoulder and my heart drops. I check her pulse but find nothing.

" Get the fuck up Alicia !" I scream and slap her face roughly but she doesn't even stir.

Her face is blue and I gag when she pukes blood.

" Where the fuck is the doctor !" I scream again.

I pick her unconscious body up , noticing how little she weighs and bring her to the bathtub. I start the shower and her color starts to return . A little hope bursts in my mind but that too disappears when she gets paler minute by minute.

" Hey! " I say and pat her face but she says nothing.

I don't want to think it. I do not want to believe it. And yet I know that it's done. There is absolutely nothing I can do. I feel a pang in my chest .

I drove her to do this, he thinks. I knew Alicia was strong. Hell , she was the strongest person he knew of. He remembered how she fought till the end no matter how much he hit her. She never gave up, even if she was half unconscious , she would try to fight. He wanted to break her. He wanted that fight gone for good. He wanted to turn her into his pet, his obedient wife. He had no intention of ever killing her.

No matter what he told her , deep down he knew he loved her.

He let's out a gut wrenching sob and falls on his knees taking her down as well. He subconsciously pulls her in his arms and sobs.

" I'm sorry ! " He repeats again and again as he pulls her tighter against him.

Someone barges into the room and he remembers the doctor. He picks her up and tells the doctor to wait outside. Pulling the wet clothes away from her , he dresses her into one of his shirts and calls the doctor. He wants to confirm what she did to make sure that there was no foul play.

If this is someone else's doing then he'll be fucking dead.

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