Chapter 20

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I lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling. When I woke up , I was surprised to be alive. I didn't think Preston would let me live but he did for whatever morbid reason. My swellings has gone down but it still hurts. I can't speak and I can only drink liquids so that sucks.

Preston came to see me twice but left instantly when he saw that I was awake. I feel better this way. I'm already vulnerable so he won't be pulling anything anytime soon.

I regret not calling my mom back. I should have spoken to her. I should have told her that I loved her because it might be the last thing I say to her. I was more hurt because my dad never once called me. I had begged him to take me home and he left me with this monster. I wanted to hate him for that but I couldn't. Whatever Preston told him was true .


I lie on my bed all day for weeks before I get well . It feels good to have my voice back. I can also eat so that means I have to join Preston for dinner everyday and eat whatever he serves me. I try not to flinch whenever he comes near me. For some reason he started sleeping in our room again and that too beside me. I try not to recoil at his touch. I try not to shove his hand aside when he puts his arm around me in his sleep. Everything about him repulses me.

I take a bath and wear the clothes he kept on the bed. The blue dress is short but cute , something I would definitely wear. Frowning, I put on the push up bra and wear the dress. I prefer not to wear push up bra's as my boobs are already quite big and I don't want anymore attention on them. I don't know why Preston would buy a new push up bra for me in the first place.

I comb my long hair and put them in a bun . I look at my reflection in the mirror . My cleavage is on display and I have to admit I look hot . I apply some concealer and lip balm and go downstairs .

Preston looks at me and grabbing my hand drags me towards the car. I want to ask him where we are going but I'm scared so I keep quiet.

After traveling for around 20 minutes , we stop near a white house and I look around in confusion.

" You better behave yourself! And talk only when he asks you something! If I lose this contract because of you , I will fucking kill you !" He says and we get out of the car.

The man who greets us is tall and a bit fat.

" I'm glad you came for lunch " he says to both of us and I give him a polite smile.

" I don't think we have met yet " he says to me and I nod as Preston introduces us. I'm surprised when he pulls me into a hug , his hand lingers on waist for too long. I pull back awkwardly and watch as his gaze goes towards my cleavage.

He abruptly looks away when Preston asks him something.

The lunch goes smoothly. I don't speak unless I'm asked something and Preston and the man keep talking about stuff that I don't understand shit about.

I feel relief slam into me when everything is finally over. We quickly say our goodbyes and get back into our car. I don't notice Preston's clenched jaw or his red eyes until we reach the mansion.

As soon as he parks the car , he gets out and before I can get out , he comes to my side and roughly hauls me out of the car. He drags me as I dig my heels on the floor .

I don't know what I have done this time. It feels as if Preston purposely keeps punishing me for anything. I cry out when he pushes me on the floor of the living room. A few scared looking maids hurry inside the kitchen . I look down embarrassed.

" Why did you have to act like a slut in front of him ?" He said

" Wh..what?"

" What the fuck is this dress " he yells

Before I could run , he grabbed the front of the dress and tore it.

" Why did you act like a fucking slut!" He yelled again and I couldn't stop the tears this time. I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say.

My scalp burned when he grabbed my hair and slapped me hard. The impact made me fall on the floor.

" asked me to wear it" I cried

" You could have changed then ! "

He was doing this purposely. He was torturing me just for his own sake. I grabbed the front of the dress against my chest to cover myself and looked up as he stood above me.

" Did you want him to fuck you?" He asked and I shook my head.

" I would never do that Preston. I'm sorry. I won't do this again!" I said trying to calm him down.

He grabbed my neck and pulled me forward, close to his face , " You won't do what again? Try to seduce other men ?"

" I wasn't! He was the one staring at me !"

"I fucking saw you! Stop lying !" He yelled

" You are doing this purposely! You sent Salves to rape me that day! And today you took me to this man so that you would get to punish me !" I sobbed

I was too late to see his fist flying towards my face. My head slammed to the side when he punched me. Stars lingered in my vision as searing pain spread through my face. I didn't get up. I knew there were more punches coming so I sobbed and stayed still.

Suddenly, a loud boom shook the house. Preston ran towards the noise . Shakily, I got up and ran behind him. I coughed as the smoke went straight in my nose. The back of the house was completely blown away. I registered the chaos as the maids ran and started throwing water on the fire.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" One of the maid asked and I nodded dizzily.

I let her take me to my room .

As I laid on the bed , only one thought ran in my mind.

He is coming for me

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