Chapter 9

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"I know

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"I know. Let me get her to check out and make sure she's okay. I'll explain everything back at the compound" Ink knew he owed an explanation since he did pull them away from the compound late at night.

"Don't worry about us. Worry about her" Bear nudges his head in the direction of Inks truck where Sydney laid asleep and wrapped up in one of his jackets that he left in the back seat.

Ink bite his lip to stop the lovesick smile to spread across his face. She was his everything. He would take a bullet for her. Give her anything and everything she wanted in life, even if it killed him.

"And you all said I was whipped" Bear scoffs as he watches Ink. All the brothers laughed and agreed. If they thought Bear was whipped, Ink was on another leave.

"Fuck off" Ink groans while flipping off his brothers. He didn't even bother standing there any longer, turning towards the truck, and makes his way to the driver's side.

Ink grumbled the whole way to his side of the truck making the brother chuckle and grin even more. His bothers could be assholes and would tease the living crap out of someone but it was their way of showing they cared.

When Ink got into his truck he looked over at Sydney who was out cold and curled up into the seat. Glancing up at the window he sees his brother loading up on their bikes not paying him any attention. He leans down and places a little kiss on her nom-bruised cheek. She stirred a little and instantly calmed when he shushed her back to sleep.

Ink seat up in his seat before reached up to the gear shift and put the truck in reverse. The compound wasn't too far away neither was her house but Ink knew she needed him, especially after tonight.
When Ink arrived at the compound Sydney was still asleep, he didn't have the heart to wake her so he carried her bridal style to his room. When he laid Sydney on the bed he personally checks on her wounds.

Ink had had enough injuries working with his brother to know how to clean and wrap them properly. Plus doc always made the men watch how to when they got hurt so they could care for themselves.

When looking over her, ink noticed the scraps on her palms from the man pushing her to the ground. She had small glass cuts on her legs from when she was in the truck and two bruises; one on her face from the slap and the other from the neck of her shirt. The man had a stronghold on it causing it to bruises worse than her face.

"I'm so sorry, beautiful" he whispers to Sydney though she was asleep and couldn't hear him. Ink hated this happened though her job did come with risk, it was still bullshit. He was definitely going down to the bar when Sydney got better and having a word with her boss, along with the guards.

After Inked clean her of any dried blood with a wet washcloth, he through it in the hamlet before going into his medicine cabinet. Ink grabbed come wrap and creams for the cut and bruises then heads back over to the bed.

"H-hey" Sydney's voice sounded rough and dry. Ink laid the supplies at the end of the bed. "Don't talk, baby. Let me get you some water" he grabs a bottle of water from his stash in the mini-fridge he keeps in the room.

Ink helps her sit against the headboard before handing her the bottle of cool water. She moaned at the coolness of the water. Her throat was sore from the incident which was to be expected.

He cleared his throat nervously before picking up the supplies and setting them on the nightstand. Ink then started to clean up the cuts on her legs, making sure they wouldn't get infected. Eventually, Sydney was tired of the silence and rested her hand over his.

"C-Cav..." her voice was still a little rough so Ink shushed her. He wasn't sure is the man had damaged anything or if her throat was just swollen but it was not worth risking anything.

"It's okay, beautiful. Let me finish this then put some Arnica on your neck and check then I'll lay with you" Ink says in a soft voice while keeping his eyes on the wrap for her legs.

Sydney rolled her eyes before gently taking his chin in her hand and turning his face to meet hers. She could see the sadness in his eyes which made her heart hurt. Pulling him in closer, resting her forehead against his hoping he could read her through actions.

"I know, but it hurts seeing you like this" Inks voices started to tremble while his eyes remained closed. He was about to say something else but was stopped by Sydney pressing her lips against his. Inks body instantly relaxed, he hadn't even realized how tense he was until that very moment.

"Fine, you win. You can't even speak and you still win arguments. That's some bull crap" Ink groans but he smiles when he feels Sydney's body shake from her silent giggles.

Sydney leans in and kisses him again. She had a grin on her face the entire time. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you too" ink rolls his eyes but the playfulness was written all over his face.

"Just sit back and let me take care of you women. Always getting into trouble" Ink saw Sydney's eyes widen at the shock of what he said. They both knew she wasn't that much of a troublemaker, only when she wanted to be.

Sydney just rolled her eyes and let Ink finished his work. She found herself slowly drifting back asleep from her comforting touch. Though she slept the entire ride to the compound and some in his room, she was still emotionally and physically drained from the incident but who could blame her.

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