Chapter 23

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The last few weeks of Sydney's pregnancy had been hard

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The last few weeks of Sydney's pregnancy had been hard. Ink had been at the compound most of the day and wouldn't be back until night. Every time she asked in would just say club business.

Not only Ink being out the majority of the time, but her parents have also been trying to contact her. Sydney wasn't sure what to do about them. They hated the father of her baby, the love of her life.

Sydney was done worrying about everything so she decided to talk a nice warm bath. She rolls out of bed and wobbles over to the closest grabbing something easy to slip on.

Once she is in the bathroom she shuts the door and lays her clothes on the countertop. Standing in front of the mirror she smiled as she caressed her swollen belly. Sydney loved to feel the baby kick except when the little girl wanted to kick at her rib cage.

"Momma loves you, little girl." She says to her belly before signing and pulling her hair up into a messy bun. Sydney then removes her nightclothes which consisted of one of Inks shirts and a maternity bra. She always had to wear a bra because of how bad her breast milk would leak through her clothes.

After getting completely naked and gathering the things she needed for a bath, she walks over to the tub and sits on the edge. It took a few minutes for her to get the temperature right, being pregnant she couldn't take really hot showers or baths anymore.

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Where stories live. Discover now