Chapter 18

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"Beautiful. I'm back" ink walks into his room and drops his bag onto the bed. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion. His brother told him Sydney ran up to the room when she got back.

Just as he was about to leave he heard a noise coming from his bathroom. The light wasn't on so he figured she wasn't in there.

Ink made his way over to the bathroom door and knocked softly. "Baby? Are you okay?" The sound of her vomiting gave him the answer to his question. When ink turned pushed the door open he was met with darkness and a bad smell.

Ink flipped the lights on to see Sydney kneeling down and her head hovering over the toilet. He quickly grabbed a washcloth and wet it with cool water before making his way to Sydney.

He kneeled down beside her and gently wiped her face off with the cloth. Ink even had to pull her hair up into a loose bun to keep it from getting in the way. Sydney looked so weak and tired. Ink wished he could take away whatever was wrong with her.

"You want to go lay down, baby?" He also once the vomiting started to settle down. Sydney didn't verbally answer, she just nodded weakly.

"Let me get you a change of clothes and I'll carry you to the bed" ink wiped her face off once more before going into his closet and grabbing one of his t-shirts. He knew she was too sick to bother with anything else.

When he got back, Sydney was laying on the cold tile floor. She was sweating terribly and the cool floor made her hot skin feel a hundred times better.

While Sydney was laying on the floor Ink took the chance to change her out of the clothes she was wearing. Thankfully she wasn't wearing anything too complex to take off. Ink even took off her bra because he knew she hated sleeping in them.

Ink slipped his t-shirt over her head and helped her place her arm in the holes. Once ink had Sydney dressed, he moved to her side and picked her up bridal style. With ease he carried her over to the bed, laying her down on top of the covers.

"Let me grab a sheet, these blankets will make it worse" ink had his fair share of sick days. The blankets only trapped the heat the body was trying to release.

After helping Sydney get comfortable, he stripped from his clothes leaving him in boxers. Ink slipped into bed next to Sydney and within seconds she was snuggled into his side.

Ink felt Sydney's grip on him tighten as she pulled herself closer. He soon felt warm tears fall onto his chest. "Beautiful..what's wrong?" Ink leans down and places a soft kiss against her clammy forehead.

Sydney just shook her head and started to sob softly into inks chest. They both laid in bed for hours. Ink didn't let her go once. He knew she needed comfort.

"Do you wanna talk about it, baby?" Ink asks as he runs his fingers through her hair. Sydney just shrugged her shoulders, not really feeling up to talking.

"You know I love you more than anything, right?" Sydney nodded knowing how to love they both were.

"You know I'd do anything for you?

"Expect to make me always burn it" Sydney's voice was softer than usual. Ink could hear the pain behind it.

Ink laughs it off. "Yes, expect to make toast. Other than that, I would do anything for you" he uses his free hand to tilt her head up by her chin gently before leaning in and placing a soft kiss against her luscious lips.

When he pulled back Sydney had his favorite look on her face as she rested her head back against his chest. "There's that beautiful smile that manages to make my head spin"

"It does not"

"Yes, it does. Just like when you wake up next to me, the smile on your face and the look in your eyes makes me feel like I'm floating on cloud9" ink smiles down at her as he talks about the moment he lives for when they wake up next to each other.

"You're such a softy" Sydney chuckles sweetly as she reached up and slowly pulls him down into another kiss.

"Only for you. Don't tell my brothers, they already fuck with me because they say I get this lovesick look in my eyes when you walk into the room" Ink always pretends like he doesn't know what his brothers are talking about or they are simply seeing things. He knew exactly how he reacted when his beautiful goddess walked into the room.

"Oh, I'm gonna tell them everything. Even How you spilled beer all over my floor when I walked into the room in a towel. Your face was priceless but adorable" Ink groans at Sydney's words. He knew she wouldn't actually tell his brothers.

"What did you expect me to do? It was the first few times I had seen you almost naked and hell I still have to watch myself when you do that. I've managed to stop spilling beer" Ink was proud of his accomplishments.

"Sureee, baby. Whatever you say" Sydney loved how Ink could make her mood change completely with just a simple conversation. He always managed to make her smile and laugh even on her worst days. That was just one of the millions of reasons why Sydney loved Ink with every fiber of her being.

"Okay, Okay. Let's rest. You definitely need a nap after bombing my toilets" Ink pulled the sheets over both of them before letting her snuggle closer into him. Sydney and Ink had some rough times but that always managed to push through and grow as a couple. Ink knew one thing for sure, Sydney was going to be his wife one day. Ink had no idea what the future held but he knew it would all happen for a reason.

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu