16:Short people

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Jennifer pov

I woke up to Billie playing with my hair. I looked up at her,resting my hand on her chest,laying my head on my hand afterwards.

Billie smiled at me softly.

Billie:Good morning gorgeous.

Her voice sounded velvety,like it usually does in the mornings.

Jennifer:Good morning love. How long have you been up for?

Billie:20 minutes or so. I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful.

Jennifer:At what time did you come home yesterday?

Billie:Around 2 am. I was just talking to Finneas and then claudia reminded me how long i had been out so i came back home.

I nodded. I got up and stood infront of the bed. She scooted to the foot of the bed so we were face to face but i was standing and she was sitting.

Jennifer:Okay so there has clearly been a communication problem. We obviously need to talk through this because i dont want you to think that what happened with Kendall was because i wanted it to happen.

She nodded her head.

Billie:I know but continue.

Jennifer:Okay so i just went with her to the bathroom because i thought she was drunk and her high heels made it seem like she could have fallen and seriously injured herself. When we got there she seemed totally normal,not drunk like before. One thing led to the other and she kissed me after i told her i was in a happy relationship.

I paused and took a deep breath,trying to calm myself and not let my emotions about the situation get control.

Jennifer:I know i should have pulled away as soon as she kissed me but i was in shock. I did not think that she was going to kiss me especially without my permission but after you left i went off on her about how that was disrespectful to me,to you and to our relationship and cut off her and i's friendship.

I took another breath trying to make sure i was cool and collected.

Jennifer:I never thought she would do something like that. Im sorry for the position that put you in. Now you can give your side of what happened.


Now she was the one to take a deep breath.

Billie:When i saw that Kendall was kissing you i got really mad. Not at you but at her and at myself. I had to walk away to not do something that i knew i would eventually regret. I know you wouldn't cheat on me i just feel shitty because i know i could have prevented it.

She gripped her knees,scratching them with her short natural nails. I could tell she was done so i continued the conversation.

Jennifer:Why did you feel mad at yourself? Theres no way you could have prevented it because theres no way you could have known.

Billie:Well...i never liked Kendall. She was always kind of weird to me.I felt mad at myself because I couldn't communicate well with you. I've felt...um...

Billie kept breathing sharply and i could tell she was struggling with her words. I gave her a reassuring nod to tell her to keep going.

Billie:I kind of felt jealous and a little insecure. It just seemed like you were so happy to talk to her and all of that,i didnt want to mess that up for you. I also knew she had a crush on you.

She stopped again.

Jennifer:Why didn't you tell me?

I asked softly.

Billie:Because i dont like being jealous. I dont like being the person that tells their partner not to talk to someone out of their own insecurities. Kendall was just always so tall,perfect and model-y. I dont know...i guess i was just being a little bitch.

She laughed lightly and i smiled a little.

Jennifer:Billie...im married to you for a reason. I love and have loved you for so long. You make me laugh more than anyone could ever and you make me so happy with all the little shit you do. I dont care how "tall,perfect and model-y"  Kendall is. She doesn't have shit on you.

Billie laughed loudly meanwhile i gave her a big ass smile and put my arms out to indicate for her to come hug me which she did.


I moved my mouth to her ear.

Jennifer:I like short people more anyways.

Billie gasped and pretended to be hurt.

Billie:Who you calling short?! Im taller than you.

We pulled away from each other while still being in each others arms.


We laughed and she shook her head.


Billie walked to the counter and grabbed a bouquet of white lilys. I smiled

Billie:This is for you. From me after acting like a complete nipple.

She said in a nelly voice from the office. I laughed. She always knew what makes me crack up.

Jennifer:Thank you baby.

She smiled and gave me a kiss.

Billie:So...we should probably start our day.

Jennifer:I wanna sleep thoughh.

Billie:Nope. Lets go!!

Billie grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. On my way there i set the flowers down on my counter.We showered while listening to old school songs and slow dancing in the water. I dont know how we didn't slip.

When we were done the rest of the day was spent watching movies,cooking food and going outside. It was now 5 pm and we were outside in our backyard.

Jennifer:We need more plants.

Billie:Facts. This shit looks a little weird. This house also feels way too empty.

Jennifer:We need to fix that.

I nodded. Soon enough the day was over. We ordered Chinese food to the house,ate it,showered then went to sleep.

Sooooo shark is gonna come into the story very soon. Also imma write corona in. I was thinking of not doing it but it helps for the plot.

Im also probably gonna write in a tropical storm or sum bc i live in florida and shit is gettin a lul crazy over here so yeahhh.

!!!!!!Also!!!!! STOP INTERRUPTING THE CHAIN. (If you know you know)

Ps.i feel like i re-wrote the plot so many times that the finished product is fucked up so if you see a mess up or something that doesnt make sense just comment it bc its probably from an old plotline

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