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My mom smiled at me.

Mom:Hey baby.

She came over to me and gave me a hug. I looked behind her to see my dad,brother and a random girl next to him.

Jennifer:Ma,what are you doing here?

My mom let go of me and then looked over at Billie again.

Mom:Well,Billie flew us out,she said you two had something really important to tell us.

I looked over at Billie and she looked a little scared.

Dad:What? No "hi dad"? "Ive missed you"? Nothing?

I laughed slightly and opened my arms. My dad gave me a hug and then it was my brothers turn.

Brother:Missed you shortstack.

Jennifer:Im not short.

He rolled his eyes.

Brother:Jennifer this is Chantell,my girl,Chantell,this is Jennifer my sister and Billie her wife.

She got really awkward.


I smiled slightly.

Jennifer:Well..make yourselves at home. Billie..can i talk to you in the kitchen.


She said while looking scared. We walked into the kitchen and she shut the door that was always open.


Jennifer:Why wouldn't you tell me that you invited my family?

Billie:Well i was gonna tell you but you were stressed because of the whole insemination thing so i just took care of it for you. Damnn is this going too far?

I put my hand on my face and shook my head.

Jennifer:No,i just..

I took a deep breath because i started to feel anxious.

Jennifer:I dont know how im gonna word it to them.


She walked over to me and sat me down on a stool.

Billie:Your parents are going to be fine with it. They'd love to have grandkids.

Jennifer:I know. I just get really nervous when it comes to stuff like this with them. I feel like if i say one wrong thing they'll stop being supportive.

Billie gave me a forehead kiss.

Billie:I know baby,but everything is gonna be fine.

I took another deep breath and nodded. The door to the kitchen opened and i saw my mom peeking her head in.

Mom:We're going to the hotel to get settled in. We'll see you later.

I nodded my head and smiled at her. She smiled and her head popped out.I heard the front door close soon after. I went back and redid some of the things that i burnt because of Billie earlier and soon everyone was here.

Maggie and Patrick got here first and brought us a couple of dishes. Soon after Claudia and Finneas arrived with Peaches,who ran over to shark and settled down in the corner.

Yuliet and Yulianna made what they called "a bad bitch appearance ",which meant that they got over dressed accidentally and had to make it seem like it was on purpose.

My family and Chantell got here last. They were happy to see Yuliet and Yulianna and vise versa. I had to introduce Billie's and I's parents to each other.

After that Billie got up with a wine glass and a fork. I began to get that anxious feeling in my stomach again. No matter how many times i told myself to relax,it just wasn't working out.

Billie:Alright so..we are all here for one reason. We have something very important we want to announce to you guys.

She extended her hand out to me and whispered in my ear when i was standing up.

Billie:You ready?

I giggled nervously.


She rolled her eyes with a little smile.

Billie:Well you have to tell them since you're gonna be the one who goes through the process.

I nodded my head as Billie snaked her right arm behind my back,silently supporting me.

Jennifer:Well...we've been thinking about it and we've decided that we're going to have a baby

Everyone looked at us confused.

Brother(yup i forgot what i named him and im too lazy to go back and see):Wait..i thought yall was together. I know I didn't pay attention in anatomy class but i thought i had the basics down.

He scratched his head and i rolled my eyes. I swear he's adopted. No way we're related.

Maggie:So you're adopting?

We shook our head.

Billie:No. Jennifer is getting inseminated.

Yulianna:Ohh so you gon get pregnant?

Yuliet:Damn she gon be bigger than me.

Claudia hit her slightly as i shook my head and did the 'tsk' sound.

Jennifer:Always bringing something to the conversation.

She did a curtsy in her seat.


My mom said,a smile growing on her face afterwards.After that,a string of congratulations came. People got up and hugged both me and Billie. I saw that Chantell girl walk out to the back porch and my brother followed her.

Billie:Whats wrong baby?

She asked looking at my face.

Jennifer:I'll be back.

I left everyone in the kitchen and walked to the back porch but didn't go out so they wouldn't see me and i heard two voices,arguing.


sorry for the slow ass update,im probably gonna post another chapter tomorrow or sumn to make up for it.

anyways in other news BIDEN WONN!!!💙yessirrrr finally got that racist,homophobic ect piece of shit out of office☺️its gonna be a good day.

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