Ch 08 - Intern

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Life was good for Peter his identity remained a secret. He had people who believed in him without even knowing anything about him or who he was. He interned with THE TONY STARK on Thursdays and today was Thursday. He was very very eager to go to the tower and spend some time with Tony on his suits or hav pointless argument about Star Wars or just chat with Dum-E. He likes it there all the Avengers were very close he trained with Natasha, cooked with Steve, played video games with Clint and all other fun stuff.

Peter ran through the halls of his school to make it out in time so Happy wouldn't have to wait. As he was speeding towards the exit his Parker Luck™️ striked and he was shoved hardly into the lockers. Peter didn't need to know who it was, it was always Flash who did it. He just zoned out till he was done cause he had super high pain endurance and super healing. The thugs and villains did the harm to Peter, Flash just caused tickling. When he left Peter just got up and started talking towards Happy.

Happy noticed the black eye and busted lip but just drove even though he was concerned with the kid's well being he didn't want to show it. As they neared the tower Peter did his homework in silence rather than eating Happy's ear of about how his day went like everyday.

"Later" Peter said to Happy as he got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the Stark Tower. As he exited the lift on Avengers floor with his hoodie up and started walking towards the lab without being wanted to be noticed Tony had the worst timing and greeted him coming out of the lab.

Now all the Avengers jolted up from seats and greeted him but rather than greeting he waved at them and walked towards the lab. "It's not going to open." Tony stated to which Peter frowned. "Well I might have set it on fire and now Pepper has locked it" Tony explained guilty. Peter rubbed his temples and just started to walk back towards the lift, "You can stay if you want" Tony told. Peter just shook his head not wanting to stay. Natasha was suspicious being the observe t spy she was she got up and just pulled his hood down exposing his injuries.

Peter just gave a deadpan look to her for crossing boundaries. She flinched as he always was so cute and respectful towards her. A chorus of questions grew from the superfam who cared for him like 'who did this' 'what was his name' 'give us his address'. Peter just casually started walking towards the elevator to go down. Tony spoke up stopping him "You don't need to be scared if he's stronger than you" causing him to stop and burst out laughing "Yo.. You.. Youu think I'm scared of him hahaha hahaha I don't even know my own strength but the least amount can bankrupt him by hospital bills". Peter breathed trying to stop his outburst of laughter and walked in the lift giving them a look and saying "Mind your own business and stay within boundaries. I'm skipping our next session I don't feel like being with you people for some time" and went down. Avengers were really shocked and guilty for their outburst and causing boundaries. Pepper came from her office and asked where Peter was to know the whole incident causing her to get angry but seeing their sad faces she stated that he will come when he feels like it.

But they didn't know what was gonna happen when they meet him next time.

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