Ch 22 - Worthy

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Peter came hurrying out of the room. He had slept in. He came back at 4 a.m. because he had to evacuate people from a burning building. He came in and exhausted fell on bed laying dead.

He rushed into the living room to the dining table and grabbed Tony's coffee and chugged it in one go. "Hey!!" Tony said. "Sorry please I'm gonna be late". "Well if a certain someone would have called for backup and listened to me he wouldn't be late" Pepper said chewing her toast. "I know I'm sorry but with the little girl screaming for help on the 3rd floor I panicked and didn't think". Peter said grabbing two toasts out of the toaster.

He ate them at lightning speed. "Uh not a good time but I uh need a historically significant object for History class" Peter said lowly. "And by historically significant object I don't mean Steve or Bucky Mr. Stark." "See he knows me too well. I was gonna say exactly that" Tony said smiling pouring himself some more coffee.

Peter got up and went to his room to get the school bag and ran out. "So does anyone has anything to offer me?"Peter asked hoping for a positive answer. His teacher had started disliking him cause of the delay in class and submission of projects, missing entire class and school days plus sleeping in the class. So yeah they would jump at the opportunity to embaress him in front of the whole class.

"Sure Young Peter you can take Mjolnir" Thor said. "Wait can't it only..." Clint started but Thor elbowed him. "Shhh this will be fun trust me" Thor whispered lowly to all sitting on the table.

Peter ran to the hammer and picked it up and yelled running out "Thanks Thor I owe you for it. I'll bring back a dozen packet Pop Tarts for you while returning".

The food hung on the forks and coffee from Tony's mug poured. Everyone was frozen. "Well it was fun" Clint said. "Haha my kid is worthy" Tony yelled. "No wonder I had a feeling". Pepper said. "Plus it's 'Our kid' ".

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