Ch 91 - Tik Tok

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They were chilling in the living room when Friday notified them. "Boss Peter's on the trending page". They looked at each other. "What?". Clint asked. "I caught him making videos in his suit so Friday notifies him if Spider-Man is on the news". Tony said. "But she said PETER is on the TRENDING page". Natasha said.

"Yeah Friday like in civilian Peter?" Tony asked. "Affirmative boss. He's in the video of the famous tik toker's Sophia Agreste's YouTube channel". Friday said. "Yeah play it". Tony said setting his foot on the table.

The video started. A girl came on the screen. "So in Today's video me and my two friends Becky who's handling the camera and Olivia who's handling the live feed " she said gesturing to two girls. "Are gonna bump into people to see how they react and for close video I have this camera and microphone earing ". She said gesturing to an earing.

The video started and she stood on a busy street. People bumped into her and they did make funny faces. After atleast 10 people had bumped a boy came into view. "Here it comes. Silence". Clint yelled.

Peter turned back at the moment he bumped into her and she felt from his physique. He caught her in midfall with one hand without looking. Tearing her sheser exposing her bra. Peter yelped turning back as the girl covered her chest.

Everyone was laughing on the street and the Avengers. Peter immediately took off his hoodie and put it over the sniffling girl. Apparently he wore two hoodies. "Change of plans . We are gonna prank this idiot". She said. An ooohh came from behind the camera .

"Geez I'm so sorry. I really didn't look where I was going". Peter apologised. "It's ok" Sophia said. "You . I have seen you somewhere". Peter said looking at her. She shrugged. "Alright you hungry?"Peter asked. When she gave no answer Peter just insisted. "I tore of your shirt in public it's the least I could do". Peter said.

They started walking. "Where we going?" Sophia asked. "Ah Delmar's best sandwich in Queens". Peter said smiling. The camera took off from earing view and zoomed in of Sophia's face that had a hint of pink on her cheeks. "Race you there?"She said running. Peter slowly jogged following her.

Suddenly he took of in speed and jumped forward catching a puppy that felt from the balcony. Sophia rushed to him. "What the hell was that?"She asked. He opened his arms to reveal the trembling puppy. "This fella was bending and fell". Peter said getting up and dusting his clothes.

The owner ran down and thanked him for his effort. "The dude fucking lept like two feet". One girl said as the camera turned or her. "I think he's nice". One voice said from behind the camera. "Hero out of the costume too". Tony said . And they nodded.

Peter ordered for him and Sophia was ordering her while he walked and petted Murphy. The camera sat at a different table. "Ok I'm gonna order while she makes a fool of him". The girl said. "A garlic bread for me ". The girl behind camera said. "A smoothie for me". She said getting up.

The girl was coming back with the order when she exchanged a side glance with Sophia and tripped on her feet. Peter immediately caught her and the tray with sandwich in one hand. "I got ya" He said supporting her upright. "Too had you couldn't get my smoothie". She said.

Avengers grumbled at her ungratefulness. "Think again babe". He said and the camera zoomed out to see the smoothie on his foot. The guy with the girlfriend sitting at the back immediately made yelled. 'FUCKING AWESOME BRO'. Peter gave a light bow.

"That was really awesome". Sophia said. "I'm pretty fast". Peter said biting into his sandwich. Peter kept glancing back and she looked back too. "You intersted in one of those two girls?". Sophia asked. The one visible infront of the camera blushed.

"Wait the guy is looking at them too that congratulated you ". Sophia said . Then his girlfriend looked at his vision and was about to scream when Peter got up. "Dude do I know you?" Peter asked loudly. The guy's panicked expression changed into relief. "I thought that too bro but maybe not". He yelled back. He sat back nodding.

"What did you do?" Sophia asked. "Helped him her out of trouble". Peter said eating his sandwich. "Like the BRO code?"Sophia asked awkwardly. "Yes but I would helped out a girl too. Basically my ears are sensitive and the girl got a high pitched voice so her screaming would pain me". Peter explained.

Sophia snorted and the Avengers facepalmed. The couple walked out but the guy secretly fiat bumped Peter. They are in silence. "So you think a guy and a girl can be bestfriends?" Sophia asked. Peter snorted. "Asking the wrong person cause I ain't got a female friend best friend is a long shot". Peter said laughing and Sophia laughed too.

The girls were also laughing. "He's so dumb. The girl is flirting and that sense idiot". Tony said. "Shut up. Peter's a nice kid he could get the girl while being dense". Pepper shot back.

"That was some very smooth flirting while saving that girl's ass". Sophia said. "Yeah? I thought it was hung up processor with a ping of 999 level flirting". Peter said chuckling at his own joke. "Ok you ain't into tech ". Peter said shutting up.

Sophia chuckled at his awkwardness. "So you like iPhone or Android?"Sophia asked. "Ah android. Boys prefer iPhone but I like android I don't know about girls". He said. "We'll what do you think girls use"Sophia asked.

"I don't know from what I see in shows they are dumb. Boys are like 'Bro I want 8 gb ram snapdragoncore15 processor ' and girls are like 'yeah that pink one but a hello kitty cover is must". Peter said. Sophia burst out laughing like everyone else.

"That was so accurate and yet so sexist at the same time" Sophia said between laughs. Peter shrugged. "So what do you watch?" Sophia asked. "Myself suffer". Peter replied and everyone was laughing again except the Avengers who just stared at him. "Any friends or companions that you know they'll never leave you". Sophia asked.

"Ah yeah. My best friend Ned and anxiet and suffering. These three will never leave me". Peter said. Sophia was hitting the table with her fists while laughing and the Avengers were silent. "Ok back to therapy you go Peter" Tony mumbled.

They walked out of the place. "This was really great we should do it again. I had so much fun" . Sophia said. "Me too". Peter said. Sophia took his phone and typed her number. They were about to seperate . "What about the hoodie". Sophia asked. "Don't worry it's not mine. It's Tony's". Peter said.

"Wait do you know Tony Stark? Cause your StarkPhone was the one that's not released yet". Sophia said. "What no. I'm talking about Tony....Potts". Peter said. Tony blushed with Pepper. "Oh ok". Sophia said as Peter walked away. The girls came out.

"What was that? Where was the prank?" She asked. Sophia gave her a look of questioning. "Don't tell me did you forget that you said you'd prank the idiot. ". She said . "Hey don't call him idiot. He was really nice". Sophia said.

"Oh my god". Both said. "What?" Sophia asked. "Dont tell me. You like him. You got a crush on him in 3 hours". She said laughing. Sophia blushed hard and turned the camera down. The stream ended with the bold letters 'CALL MY FRIEND . SHE CRUSHED REAL HARD ON YOU' .

They were laughing their ass off. "I told you he'd get the girl". Pepper said. "Friday where's Peter?" Tony asked. "He's asleep in his home after finishing patrol yesterday". She said. "Call him".

"Hello?"a sleepy voice said. "Hey this is Tony Potts who was the girl with you yesterday". Tony said. Peter jolted awake. "You were spying on me?" Peter asked. "No genius go to YouTube's trending #1". Tony said.

Peter cut off the call. He called back an hour later. "Holy shit that was Sophia Agreste. What am I gonna do?". Peter asked. "Yeah and you were good. You like her?" Tony asked. "Kinda. I mean she looked cute in her videos and I really enjoyed our lunch yesterday". Peter said. "Then call her and ask her out officially ". Tony said. "You think so?". Peter asked. "Yeah and stop raiding my wardrobe". Tony said.

Peter silently cut the call off.


I think this was pretty good.
Should I continue?

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