Ch 29 - Kidnapped 2

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Peter slowly opened his eyes to see he was tied in a chair with the everybody else infront of him in a cell.

"He's waking up. He's waking up". Tony said. Everybody immediately got up from the corners to look at him.

The bleeding had stopped which was good. He took in the surroundings. Chains basically put on him thinking of him as an average teenager, piece of cake to break them. 10 people in the room to keep an eye and he just had to stay positive that he still had his suit under the clothes and mask in his pocket. If everything went as planned he could get out real cool.

A man walked in eyes dark red. "So this is the boy everybody screamed to not hurt". He said inspecting Peter's face. "Yes sir". One of them said. "And you said he knock dout your leader with one kick". "Yes sir".
"He'll be good for our program". He said.

Avengers's blood ran cold at the mention of program. "No please leave him. Please". Tony begged pleadingly. "As long as you cooperate with us he will stay away from the program". The man said.

"Dude I have seen you somewhere. Have we met?" Peter said. "Huh" the man turned to Peter. "What did you say boy. Trying to be brave?" The man said. "No dude seriously I have met you before." Peter said.
"Oh we have a brave boy here hahahahahaha" the man said laughing.
"Zola is that you. Omg it is you what happened to the big head body?" Peter asked.

"Mr. Stark it's Zola you know the Arnin Zola the floating head right hand of Red Skull.
Steve you must recognize him right?" Peter shouted. "Peter please shut up". Tony said. "He's right" Steve whispered. Tony looked at Steve surprised.

Zola pulled out a sharp blade and slashed Peter's other bicep. "Not cool man" Peter said. "So you wanna play tough huh? I'll break your spirits today before going out." Zola stated angrily. "Oh sure go for it" Peter stated challenging.

"I heard you risked your life to save her." Zola said pointing to Pepper. Peter's didn't change expression. "Take her out. I'll show this boy who's the boss" Zola said to one of the men. He took her out by her arm and pushed her to Zola. Pepper struggled but couldn't get out of Zoal's grip.

"Keep her out of it or I'll break your ribcage" Peter said. "Hooo see the brave of this boy. Break my ribs. Boy even if you did knock out the leader of the group these idiots and could break my ribs how do you plan on getting out of the chains, huh. These were made strong enough to hold Captain America there. They can hold enough up to 6 tonns. Apologise and I'll let her go"Zola said.

"OK I'm sorry just let her go" Peter said. "Too late boy I was joking". Zola said and slashed Pepper's arm from shoulder to the wrist making a cut and blood started flowing out. Pepper gave a cry of pain.

Peter lost it there and anger took over. "You shouldn't have done it cause I was joking too." Peter said.


He broke the chains with sheer strength and held Zola by the neck and pinned him to the floor. "Apologise now before I distructure your face and break your ribcage". All the henchmen pointed their guns at Peter. "Drop the guns idiot" Zola shouted and everybody threw their guns in Peter's direction.

"You think you can get out of here after doing anything to me" Zola said. "Oh forget about getting out. I'll first break your bones that you'll die here only. Don't test my patience. APOLOGISE. NOW." Peter shouted.

Avengers sweat dropped just like Zola. They had never seen this side of Peter. "Ok I'm sorry" Zola said. "You made me say sorry too but did you keep your promise? I was joking too". Peter said and punched Zola square in the face breaking his nose and teeth knocking him out.

He turned and all the henchmen shook in fear. They hurried towards the door but Peter knocked them out too. He hurried to Pepper who was sitting with support of wall. He looked around and saw a camera in the corner. He ran towards it and scaled the wall and broke the camera.

He then ran back to Pepper and took off his shirt and pant. "You're Spider-Man" Pepper spoke lightly. "Yeah the timming sucks. I thought I'd take everyone to lunch and then tell but it is what it is". He wore his mask and asked Karen to activate sedative web.

He sewed the wound with perfection. He supported Pepper to the cell to see it locked.
"Your the Spider Ling" Tony said. "Nice way to say thanks" Peter joked. He broke the cell and rested Pepper on the ground.

"What now?" Tony asked. "How much time do you think we were here?" Peter asked. "Atleast 36 hours" Natasha said. "Karen text Aunt May that I slept over at Tony's and I'm sorry to not text before". Peter said. "Wow nice priorities" Tony said.

"She'll break my bones if I don't text her" Peter said. "Did anybody get the bullets out?" Peter asked. "Noone let us near you" Tony said. "OK then I'll have to I don't want infection". "Wait no don't" Tony said but Peter put his hand in the wounds and took out the bullets. "OMG you need medical attention". Tony screamed. "No the wounds will close in a few hours" Peter said waving his hand.

"OK let's get out now" Peter said and stood up and walked to the door. He took a peek outside. He came back and sat in the cell. "What happened?" Steve asked. "Too much men and seeing you guys can't do anything right now we'll have to call for backup" Peter said. "Who are you gonna call?" Bruce asked. "Fury of course" Peter said.

Karen connected the call. "Hey Fury. Yeah I know. Yeah could you trace me and send some backup. I'm with the Avengers. Yeah the idiots and I have injured Pepper that I treated very well. Yes I know. Yeah cool". Peter said. "Yeah wait 10 minutes." Peter said to Avengers. "You have Fury's number?" Natasha asked. "Yeah helped him a couple of times and he gave it to me incase of emergency." Peter said. "Zhe never gave it to me." Clint said.

"Clint you would call him if you ran out of snacks" Peter said. "OK you have a point" Clint said. "Connect to Friday" Peter said. "Why do you wanna connect to Friday?" Tony asked. Peter motioned him to keep quiet. "Yes hey Friday could you please ask Dum-E to activate Studious. Thank you Friday I'll give you extra harddrive now" Peter said.

"Who's Studious?" Tony asked. "A bot I made that completes homework cause I'm mostly busy doing crime fighting" Peter said. "You should complete your homework yourself else you'll not learn anything" Pepper said waking up. "Hey I'm smart enough to create a bot to do my homework. School has nothing to teach me I could drop out if I wanted." Peter said.

Then a loud boom and firing was heard. "Looks like SHIELD is here." Peter said. The Agents busted through the door. "Well let's go" Peter said and walked out with everybody. "I'm staying over I can't go home with wounds cause May will be home" Peter said. "Sure" Tony said.

"You know I'm so tired I'll sleep dead as soon as I reach there" Peter said. Everybody chuckled. "Thank you Peter. You saved us" Tony said. "Don't mention it Mr. Stark" Peter said. "No he's right we wouldn't have made it out if it wasn't for you" Steve said. "You don't know but I'm blushing under the mask" Peter joked.

They were very thankful for Peter to be present in their life.

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