Ch 36 - Phone Call At Dinner Table

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Peter was sitting at the dinner table on a Friday night when Tony asked "Did you lock the door of your apartment?". Peter started to search his pockets for the keys but when didn't find them on the first try he got up from the seat.

He emptied his pockets. He kept his phone on the table and some changes and candy. "Maybe I kept it in my room". Peter said and ran off. Everybody exchanged glances. "He's still so irresponsible". Tony said. Peter's phone rang and Peter was still in the room.

Tony picked it up. "Hey don't do that". Steve said. "What it's just a call not like a guns dealer". Tony said. "Well if you gotta do it then make it a prank and put it on speaker". Clint said giving a sinister smile. Tony looked at everybody for confirmation and they just shrugged.

Tony received the call and put it on speaker. He made his voice squeaky to mimick Peter. "Hello". He said. "Hey Peter did you take my shotgun and katana?". Someone said. Everybody's eyes bulged out. "What the fuck" Tony whispered.

Peter came running into the room. "Oh man maybe I didn't lock it. Gotta go". He said and looked at everyone. They were just staring at him. "Ah hey here's a call for you". Tony said and Peter took the phone. "Yeah. Yeah. Ok cool. I'll meet you and hand it back. Yeah sure.". Peter said. "Ah so I gotta run and lock the apartment and meet a friend on the way.". Peter said.

Tony nodded and Peter took his leave. "Why didn't you talk to him about it?" Steve asked. "Uh I don't know. Maybe they were pranking us?" Tony asked not sure himself. "Well the voice of a man but if it wasn't a prank then?" Steve said. "Uh hey calm down. Alright." Clint said. "Look nothings too late we can just follow him to be sure". Clint suggested. "Yeah great idea genius. Look Peter's not like that and I believe in him and you should too. He knows what he's doing just trust him". Tony said. "Wow Tony I'm so proud. I completely agree with him. You should believe in Peter too." Pepper said.

"Yeah alright. Who knows maybe it's just the start then he'll become the dealer himself and move away running from police". Sam said. Tony's eyes bulged out. "What are you waiting for dress up we gotta follow him" Tony said and called his armour. "What Tony no". Pepper said but everyone ran off.

They hurried into the jet and flew in the direction of Peter's apartment. They were in time to see him swing in. "Okay Friday launch the surveillance drone i front of Peter's window". Tony said and a bit shot out of the jet flew i front of the window. They saw Peter taking out a double barrel shotgun and katana and putting it in a bag and gasped. "Man I was kidding but shit just got serious" Sam said looking worried.

"Ah ok ok breathe." Tony said panicking. He calmed down after a few breaths and saw him locking the apartment and getting out. "Ah OK we follow him and take down his dealer then everything will go back to normal" Tony said and looked at everybody for confirmation. They nodded and got ready for following Peter as he exited the apartment.

He landed on rooftop and slowly webbed down. Everybody saw through the Droid as he talked with two people standing in the dark not visible. They took it as their signal to attack and immediately landed in the alley.

All 3 turned and got into a fighting position. They relaxed seeing it was the popular Avengers. "What are you guys doing here?" Peter asked. They saw the duffle bag and just stared at Peter like how does he have the courage to ask this with the stuff he's doing. "You what are you doing?" Tony said to him. "Uh I came to return his stuff" Peter said pointing to one of them who had his hood on.

"It's his gun?" Tony asked. "How did you know it was a gun?" Peter asked frowning under the mask. "Answer my question" Tony said. "OK ok calm down. Yeah its his so what?" Peter said. "I'm going to kill him". Tony said barging up to him but Steve and Bucky held him. "Oh like this?" Peter asked. He took the shotgun and shot the person in the head. "LOL" Peter said and the other person also chuckled as his partner's head got blasted. They hified.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Everyone screamed. "Not cool" The blasted skull person who was laying dead said getting up with his eyeballs hanging out and his brain exposed.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Everyone screamed. "Hey calm down its Deadpool and Daredevil. They have healing factor like no one else. Deadpool can't die basically". Peter tried calming them. "So it was his gun" Tony asked. "Yes" Peter answered. "OK get on the jet we are having a talk". Tony said and dragged Peter as he waved both of them bye.

They reached the Tower and Pepper came rushing in. She inspected Peter's face left and right and gave a sigh of relief. "You had a shotgun and katana in your apartment" Tony said. "Yeah so?" Peter asked. "You make it seem like it wasn't a big deal" Pepper said. "It's cause it wasn't!!" Peter said. "Why didn't you ever tell me you knew Deadpool and Daredevil" Tony asked. "I never told you a lot of things so why are you so worked up about this?" Peter asked. "That's the point I want to know what going on in your life" Tony spoke rather loudly.

"Tony it's not like you. Tell me the reason. Why are you so angry" Peter said sitting on the couch. The Avengers just exchanged glances and continued to look between the three members afraid to say anything thinking it might make the matters worse. "It's like me I just want to know what's going on in your life" Tony said. "Come on Tony listen to yourself. You wanna know about me it's so unlike you" Peter said. "Why?" Tony asked. "I don't know it just is" Peter said. "I want to know what's going on in my son's life us that such a big problem?" Tony asked.

The room grew quiet. "Uh how am I supposed to answer that?" Peter asked blushing. "Why? Just say yes" Tony said. "Ah maybe you should contact Harley for this I mean I shouldn't make decisions for his private life on his behalf" Peter said awkwardly rubbing his neck. All facepalmed at his dumbness. "What? What are you talking about?" Tony said. "You called him son and he thinks you're talking about Harley" Pepper whispered in his ear. "What no I called you son. You are the one giving me grey hair" Tony said.

"I'm pretty sure that's aging" Peter said shrugging. "No I want to know about what's happening" Tony said. "Alright please stop it's getting uncomfortable". Peter said. "Ok now then dad will call Aunt May to tell her everything". Tony said and dialled May before Peter could say anything. "Hello?" May asked.

"Hey May" Tony said. "Hey Tony" May said. "Yeah so calling you to talk about Peter. Say hi Peter". Tony said to Peter and May both. "Hi May" Peter said. "Are you hurt?" May asked cautious. "No". "Then what?" May asked. "Apparently your nephew and my son had a shotgun and katana in your apartment which belonged to Deadpool. Spoiler alert he knows Deadpool and Daredevil" Tony said. "Oh ah did you give it back before cleaning?" May asked. "No" Peter answered. "What did I tell you about giving back borrowed stiff after cleaning?" May said sternly. "Sorry I'll remember it from now" Peter said.

"Wait you knew!!" Tony said. "Yeah Wade and his girlfriend Vanessa came for dinner with Matt once" May said. "OK that's it you're grounded you tell her but not me" Tony said to Peter. "Hey what's with the Dad tone?" May asked. "He's my son" Tony said. "Uh um ok?" May said unsure of what to say. "OK bye May" Tony said and ended the call. "Now off you go to bedroom and grounded for a week. No Spiderman and only going out for school." Tony said. "OK!" Peter said and started walking to his room.

"Wait Peter did you lock the apartment?" Pepper asked. Peter sweated and ran out from the window.

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