Ch 93 - Mistletoe

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“ that it’s never in the right place at the right time,” Tony said, putting up another strand of holly as he continued his work around the compound. “And so, that’s why me and you are putting it up everywhere.”

“I still don’t think this is a good idea, Mr. Stark,” Peter said, though his giggles gave away he really didn’t care.

“Nah, we’ll be fine!” Tony smirked. “See, I’ve got this secret weapon of mine that your friend Ned taught me when you brought him over to work on that lab project of yours that I think you’ll find particularly inviting…”

He then tossed a piece of cardboard at Peter, and that said cardboard was an Uno reverse card. “Nice,” Peter smirked, putting it in his back pocket as he went back to hanging mistletoe. “Thank you Mr. Stark!”

“No problemo, kiddo,” Tony smiled, ruffling his kid’s hair. “Alright… we’ve placed at least two hundred mistletoe so far. Fri, how are we looking in terms of coverage?”

“You’ve covered most common areas, and all of the vents Mr. Barton pokes his head out of most often,” Friday informed them. “I would recommend also putting it outside of bedroom doorways.”

“Ooh, I can’t do that, everyone will smell this fresh ass cologne and be attracted to the doorway after waking up,” Tony said, fidgeting with his collar. “Kid, are you up to the task?”

“On it, Mr. Stark,” Peter smirked, saluting his mentor-father and springing up to the ceiling.

“That’s my boy,” Tony smiled proudly as Peter crawled off to go perform his sacred duty as an Avenger - hanging up mistletoe for their coworker’s misery. Everyone was fast asleep after the lovely Christmas dinner they had had earlier, so Peter likely wouldn’t run the risk of waking anyone up.

Oh, tomorrow was going to be a lovely day.


Steve was so confused when he exited his room that morning.

Out in the hallway, he noticed Sam walking past, looking up at the ceiling with fully concentrated eyes. So much so that the ex-pilot didn’t even say good morning to the captain when Steve had greeted him, which was very out of character for him. Then, he saw Bucky walking closely behind him, doing the exact same thing.

“Buck, what is going on?” Steve asked, putting his hand across Bucky’s chest.

“Oh, morning Steve,” Bucky said, almost like he was snapped out of a trance. “Sorry - me and Wilson almost got caught underneath a mistletoe earlier, so we’re being super careful.”

“Ahhh,” Steve nodded, now fully understanding why his two friends were being so weird. “Well, should you run underneath one… let me know. I wanna watch that.”

“Jerk,” Bucky smirked, patting his shoulder.

The two super soldiers then walked to the kitchen, where Natasha, Scott, Tony, and Peter were already present. Scott was leaning against the wall, a strawberry-icing donut in one and and a Diet Coke in the other; Natasha was at the table, her feet kicked up as she sipped her OJ, and Peter and Tony were giggling by the sink.

“Morning all,” Steve nodded. “Merry Christmas to you all.”

“Merry Christmas, Cap!” Scott smiled, waving with his donut holding hand. Steve saluted the Ant-Man back, and then smiled as he walked over and started massaging Natasha’s shoulders.

“Merry Christmas, dearest,” smiled Steve.

“Hi there honey, Merry Christmas,” Nat smiled, patting his hand and humming gently at his strong hands making her shoulders release any tension she didn’t even know was there.

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