Ch 88 - Touched

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Peter was picking Morgan up from school as Happy had a lunch date with May. He happily agreed when Tony and Pepper asked him to.

He stood outside the school in front of the Porsche Tony gave him. He looked at his watch and then Morgan came in view. She didn't greet Peter and just got in the car.

Peter immediately knew something was wrong. He got in and set the sunroof back. "Morgan, baby what's wrong?" Peter asked soothingly. He asked as he kept his hands on the steering wheel but without any movement of the car.

Morgan quietly sniffed. "You can tell me. Nobody will say anything to you. I'm here". He said turning her face towards himself. Morgan burst into tears. Peter didn't say a word just soothed her.

When her sobs quieted down Peter slowly asked. "Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked. Morgan nodded and Peter sat quietly rubbing her back. She pulled back and Peter put his hands back on the wheel.

"My PE teacher did something bad". Morgan said. Peter rose his eyebrows. "What did he do?" Peter asked. "He touched me on the butt". Morgan said. The steering wheel got crushed by the sudden force from Peter's hands.

"Was this the first time?" He asked trying to keep himself calm. Morgan shook her head. "He touched my waist but this was the first time he touched me on the butt". Morgan said.

Peter opened the door and got out. He took Morgan out of the car. He started walking towards the school. "No I don't wanna see him". Morgan pleaded. Peter gave her a look of sympathy. "Morgan you don't have to be afraid even a little bit. I'm here OK? I'll just meet him". Peter said.

Morgan hesitated but let Peter walk her into he gym. He saw the man wiping his sweat. He gave Morgan an angry look and she shivered behind Peter's leg. Peter was having trouble keeping calm.

"Yes Morgan. Any trouble?" He asked. Peter glared at him. "I have some trouble. She said you touched her intimidatingly". Peter said loudly. The workers cleaning turned to them. "She must have get it wrong I was helping her stretch". He said.

"Morgan. Please tell how he touched you". Peter asked soothingly to his little sister. Morgan shook her head as she saw the glare from the man. Peter turned to him.

"I'm having trouble not killing you right now. You better watch out for the way you're looking at her". Peter said twitching with anger. The man scoffed. Peter picked her up in his arms. "Don't worry. I'm here alright. I won't let anything happen to you". Peter asked.

"He touched me on the private part". Morgan said sobbing. The man immediately rose his hand to slap her taking a step. Peter immediately caught his hand. "You". Peter said to a cleaning guard. "Take her to the Principal's office and tell him to call her father and ambulance and police". He said.

The man intimated picked her up and ran. "You got a lot of heat on your head kid". He yelled. Peter calmly took off his watch. He stepped toward the man and slapped him hard. The man felt full force on the floor. Peter got on top of him. "Tell me which hand did you use." Peter asked. "You'll regret it". He yelled. Peter shut him with a punch breaking his nose.

"Which hand". Peter said angrily. The man didn't answer just stared at him tear eyed. Peter took both hid arms in his palms and slowly broke a finger. He yelled in pain. A scream of agony. Peter didn't even flinch just continued to break every finger.

The man was now sobbing. Peter got off him and picked him up by the collar. He took of the man's pant leaving him in his underwear. He kicked him in the ass full force and the breaking of bone could be heard. "You dare touch my sister". Peter said punching his face sitting on him.

Tony and Natasha rushed in and took Peter off the man. Both his arms were broken. "Peter I need you to calm down." Tony said. Peter too deep breaths. "You. You'll be in prison for a lifetime". Tony said angrily to the man. Natasha glared at the man.

"You watch out for your sister. I'll get out and then it won't just be touching". He yelled as the cops handcuffed him. Peter immediately took the rifle from Natasha's thigh holder and shot him in the ear. The man screamed in pain.

Natasha slowly took the rifle back. Tony looked at him like he wanted to kill. He continued to scream as they took him out. "I'll kill her. I will definitely kill her". He yelled as the cops struggled to load him in the ambulance. "I'll first have my fun then kill her". He yelled.

A shot.

Peter and Tony turned to look at the dead man and then at Natasha. "SHIELD official member. No report of death required". She said walking away in the school.

The corpse was taken away by the cops. She came back with Morgan. They got in Tony's car. "I crushed the Porsche's steering can you get it picked up". Peter said just rubbing his temple. Tony nodded driving.

"They reached the Tower and as they got in the living floor Pepper immediately hugged Morgan."Why didn't you tell us? "Tony asked a little loudly. Morgan flinched."Don't yell Tony she's traumatized. It won't go away so easily". Peter yelled.

Tony turned to him and then sighed. "I'm sorry. I just I don't want her to keep secrets. If she would have told me this wouldn't have happened". Tony said. "It's not her fault. She's a kid. Don't push the blame on her. She can't even process how to tell you. It happened to me too and I couldn't do anything. But somehow May came to know and he was taken by cops". Peter said.

"That's why you were so angry". Natasha said. "I know how it feels. I get bad dreams all the time.". Peter said flopping down on the couch. Morgan slowly walked towards him and hugged him. "Thank You". She said.

Peter smiled ruffling her hair. "You can tell me anything alright. If you are not comfortable with your dad you can tell me. I'll never get angry". He said. Tony was about to say but Pepper shut him off with an elbow. They both looked at their children and smiled.

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