Ch 19 - Random Interactions : Pepper

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Pepper's P.O.V

Happy and I were driving back from airport after I returned from a business meet in Shanghai. The car drive was going smoothly and tucked in earphones and listened to some soft music before I got bored and took em off to engage in a conversation with Happy.

"So Happy..." "Yes boss?" He asked. "You have a girlfriend?" I questioned. "No" He replied. "Oh Ok" I said. It was really hard for me to get a conversation with Happy. I stared outside the window. It was an empty street due to night time. Suddenly a person caught my eye.

He had brown curly hair that swung under his cap which was covered by the hood of his green hoodie. He was walking down the street. "Boss, Pepper stay calm alright it'll be fine" Happy said from the front seat. I snapped out of my observation of the kid that I knew I had seen before and looked forward only to see 6 men surrounding our car pointing guns at us.

"You come out" one of them said to Happy. Happy signaled to me stay hidden in the back seat. He walked out and said "I don't have money alright. Let me go". "Oh boy we have plenty of money we need girls tonight". My heart sank and started beating faster. "What do you mean?" Happy tried playing dumb. "We ain't blind dude. We see that smoking hot chick in the backseat". one of them said.

My heart was in my throat. I was so scared. Happy attacked them suddenly trying to get the upper hand by making the first move. They punched him and kicked him till he didn't move and turned black and blue. They started walking towards me and busted the window with punches till it broke.

They caught me by my hair with full force. The whole area was dead to the soul. Only that boy I saw was sitting with his earphones on and eyes closed. They tried to stuff me in their car but I did everything I could to get free. I screamed but that boy must had top volume in the earphones. They punched me in the face and I fell in the backseat. They started driving and looked at the boy one last time as they drove from the street to some alley way and as if on cue he opened his eyes and I struggled but screamed. Then he started running after the van.

They drove too fast for the kid to follow. They lost him in the first five minutes. They pushed me in the alley way and tore my suit's top leaving me in the bra. And as they tried to much skirt I kicked the one nearest to me in the balls. He felt back groaning in pain. My action angered the rest and one pointed the gun and the other ran to punch me. As I closed my eyes preparing for immense pain from the punch and bullet all I heard was a loud bang from the firing and the fist coming close to my stomach as I closed my eyes.

It never reached me. I opened my eyes to see the fist being blocked by one hand and the other bicep bleeding. It was the one recognizable hoodie that I saw just some time ago. He immediately knocked them out with chops on the necks and punches in  the face. "You alright mam?" He asked me with worry in his voice. "Yeah barely could be better" I spoke.

"I came as fast as I could I'm so sorry I could have saved you there on the street only if it wasn't for the the damn earphones" He said regretting. "It's alright ahhhhhh" I screamed as pain coarsed through my body. "Karen give me a full body scan" He said worrying. "Mam you have broken ribs. I can take you to the hospital" He said. He supported me with his arms swung over my shoulder and walked out of the alley. "Oh my God you're Pepper Potts" He said excited. "I wish we met under normal circumstances, I'm a huge fan" He said. I chuckled dryly.

I collapsed on the outside of the alley and shivered from the cold weather. The boy took of his hoodie and covered my top as he swung it over to me to wear it. "I can take you to the tower cause if press found out about this there will surely be a huge ass reporting" He suggested. "If you walk into the tower with me like this the reporters will still know and maybe before you can do anything the Avengers might attack you" I said feeling dizzy. "Ok so you're saying that if I directly leave you on the living floor it's alright?" He asked. "Yeah but even if you could I don't have code to open windows and it's the besr quality 100% bulletproof glass in short unbreakable" I said. "Ah codes are no problem". He said.

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