Ch 5: Monumental Task

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I scurried back to my room, shaking with each step. I shut the door once I was inside and curled up into a pathetic ball in the darkest corner.

I felt like crying, but I could not find a single tear to shed. It was probably another side affect of being a terrified thrall.

The curse was terrible, but it was also strange. My emotions were completely out of whack with reality. I believe everyone has days when their fears are not quite rational, but this was well beyond that.

After an eternity of trembling limbo, I looked across the floor towards where my backpack was sitting.  Someone had clearly placed it there for me. It was mine, full of my things.

It was a no brainer. It all belonged to me, even if nothing else in these lands did. Even if my false pack had true authority over me, they had chosen to put it in plain sight in the room I had been assigned. I was clearly allowed to have access to my own things.

There was no good reason that I should not simply stand up, go over and see what was inside. The only thing stopping me was the terror that rushed through every cell at the thought.

If I had been normal and simply visiting this place, I would have already taken out and organized the things I needed.

It was only the fear which stopped me.

This fear was not my own.

I closed my eyes. How was I going to live like this?

I shook.

Cowering in the corner was not helping me.  I was terrified regardless, so I might as well try to act like I knew I normally would.

I could not bring myself to stand up, so I skittered across the floor slowly like a crab. In the back of my mind I knew I looked ridiculous, but there were things at stake which were more important than my dignity.

I made it to my backpack. I could feel my heart pounding as if I were about to confront a monster. A terrifying black monster complete with pink trim and straps. If I could defeat this beast it would spill its guts before me. Its disgusting innards were probably mostly composed of my clothing and toiletries.

I shuddered. I wish it had been sarcastic flare, but I truly shuddered at my silly flight of fancy. Apparently the curse wanted to even forbid my ridiculous imaginings.

I reached one trembling finger out and touched the familiar material of the bag. I wanted to withdraw my hand, but I forced it to stay in place. I could feel the magical shivers of fear radiating from my digit.

Instead of drawing back like the magic screamed, I moved my hand to the buckle. It took me three tries to find enough pressure to release it, but I did it.

I felt a surge of triumph that pushed back my fear for a moment and it was a sweet relief. I exhaled and used my momentum to pull open the bag. I could see that someone had packed me clothing as I had guessed. I could see a pair of jeans and a pair of pajama pants.

Holding my breath as if to suppress my panic, I pulled them out of the bag in turn and placed them on the bed. I continued the slow process until everything was out of the main pouch of my backpack and neatly placed in a row on the grey spread.

Then I turned my attention to the smaller pouches and went through the same agony again.

I did not let myself stop until I was done and my backpack was entirely empty. From my vantage point on the floor I could see what someone had thought I would need. I swallowed.

I could see all the practical stuff, two pairs of pants, several tank tops, two t-shirts with witty sayings, a warm hoodie, my comfiest pajama pants and pajama top, a few bras and underwear and socks.

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