Ch 21: Weariness

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Author's Note:

Happy New Year!  🥳

Come on 2021, 2020 set a really low bar, you can do better than that at least!

Hope this next year is better for you than Elise's past week has been for her!

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From the corner of my eye I saw Karen move as if to hurry to greet our guests, but before she got far I felt the back of my neck prickle and I heard Serge's footsteps echoing as he walked out of the hall.

I heard the light squeak of the hinges.

"Hello, Nick, welcome to my home and my lands," Serge said.

I knew my family must be standing there, just outside the door. I could only see them from the corner of my vision because he was too close to them.

"Thank you for inviting us," I heard my father respond. "You already know my son, Sean, and this is my wife Moramay."

While they had been talking, I had slowly started moving towards my family, but I could not make myself come up beside him.

"Nice to meet you, Moramay," I heard Serge say. "Come in."

They did and Serge hung back while they greeted me.

I was instantly enveloped in my father's hug and I could feel his breath on my hair. "Elise," he simply said.

"Hey, dad. How's it going?" I asked.

He laughed a bit at my words and I smiled.

"I'm more worried how it's going for you," he responded.

"I'm surviving," I assured him and felt the curse prickle me, although it seemed somehow better when I was holding on to my father.

He stepped back and inspected me carefully. I looked at him, too. He definitely looked worn compared to the last time I had seen him. My heart ached at the sight and I felt a shot of guilt rush through me.

Sean ruffled my hair annoyingly and I shot him a fake glare. He laughed. He at least looked in better condition than my father.

"It's so good to see you, sweetie," Moramay said, taking her turn to hug me. She had her dark blond hair swept up into a knot at the back of her neck. Her brows were drawn together in worry and she had a soft smile on her face. She looked a bit tired, too. I imagined it had not been an easy week dealing with my father.

I smiled at my family, but inside I felt guilty. I had caused so much trouble and the curse purred at my pain. The whole time they enveloped me I could feel the prickles of Serge's presence on the nape of my neck. He was standing back and I wondered what he was thinking.

Serge turned their attention to my caretaker.

"I should introduce you to Karen. I believe you've already met, Nick."

"Briefly in person, and we've spoken quite a lot this week," my father agreed.

"She's wife to my second and as you know, I've given her charge of easing Elise into the pack as best she is able."

"Thank you," my father told her solemnly. "Your updates have made this easier on us, Karen and your assistance has hopefully made it easier on Elise as well."

I had known she had spoken to my father, but I had been unaware of the depth of their conversations.

Karen smiled. "You are most welcome, Nick," she said.

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