20| Mother did send a letter

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while approaching the teacher who looked at you with a straight face escorting you to stand with other students...


you stood in the line silently waiting patiently for your turn, finally, it was your turn, you saw your opponent in a whole red colored suit, you did not know if it was a girl or a boy, "that person is a newbie, whoever it is cannot handle Kagami", a guy like voice said snickering, y/n smirked under her mask she will show that girl if she can, eventually before the fight fencing machines were hooked onto y/n and her opponent, "three, two, one, begin". said the teacher, swiftly Kagami attacked y/n but it was easy for her to dodge the attack after all those years of practice, now Kagami was not stopping and every time she would extend her arm as the sword would barely miss from touching you, y/n kept on dodging for some time but became bored, eventually she lowered her head as Kagami was going to attack while startling y/n used her sword which touched Kagami's hand,  as soon as she was out the machine made a sound which meant Kagami lost "and out". Said the teacher in a loud voice his voice was filled with cheer but was soon broken by Kagami "sir, I would like to do match without the machine because it looks like it a broken". She said making you roll your eyes even though no one could see because you were wearing the helmet, but still, you agreed, the teacher wasn't happy with what Kagami had said but still unhooked the fencing machine from both of you, "one-two-three, fence". Said the teacher, now looking carefully between y/n and Kagami, y/n started with attacking which Kagami barely missed, she had luck, Kagami became angry and started to jerk her sword towards y/n now making her do a backflip, people around them gasped in amazement, sure they had to see Kagami do it but not so gracefully, y/n now dodged every single attack made by her opponent and she did a backbend, she flipped again jumping down the stairs as she attacked Kagami with one of her hand at the back, the tip of y/n's sword swiftly touched her opponent's stomach, "and out, we have a winner it is y/n I suppose". The said teacher told smiling, people around her amazed by her moves, Kagami took off her helmet with a serious and angry look, you just shook her hand which she took but held your hand tighter, "next time, I will win". She whispered in your ear, earning a confused look from you, eventually, the fencing class was over and a guy voice called you not by your name but by your appearance "hey the girl f/c suite". The guy said making you turn around to look, he took off his helmet only to reveal, emerald green eyes you recognized them, it was Adrien, "hi Adrien, I did not know you went to fencing". You said while he had an astonished look, you took off your helmet to reveal yourself "y/n I did not know you went to fencing classes either", "well actually I just started it, my father wanted me to start fencing, even I like the idea of fencing". Y/n finished Adrien was highly impressed by the h/c (hair color) headed girl, he started walking with her "wow your techniques were really good, can you teach me to do the same thing". He screamed like an excited child, you nodded gratefully "sure, show up at my house at 4 PM today". Y/n said these last words before leaving.

Hawkmoth's POV

"master how are we going to the wolf miraculous, we can have more powers than anyone else". Hawkmoth said in a shrilled voice, his so-called master came out from the shadows, a big scare on his cheek going till his eyes, "hawkmoth, time will come, the mother of this child told me that the wolf miraculous would return, she said that it would be in her child's hands, I could never find out the identity of her mother neither the child, but when we get the wolf miraculous it will amplify the wishes and make it into our desired wishes which will let us control anything, let go back in time to fix it, get the power of other kwamis, and fix your stupid mistake". 'Hawkmoth you are my accomplice who will help me get their filthy miraculous". Xiong finished with an evil smirk growing on his face, "master it will also amplify our powers making us stronger than ever". Hawkmoth said as both maniacally laughed in the darkroom with only one butterfly-stained glass window.

Y/n's POV

I reached my house, excited to see Adrien but before that, I had to open the package master Fu gave me, and tomorrow is the day the kwamis can leave I am sure they miss their owners, "guys wake up we have to open the package and need to refill your energy". you said instantly everyone surrounded by the platter filled with goodies, but there was a certain black cat who would not stop snoring "Plagg come on wake up" you knew that pestering him would not work so you took a piece of camembert cheese which was now dipped in f/c (favorite chocolate) this made Plagg open his eyes instantly and eventually he gobbled his weird creation, "hey next time never trick me or I swear you will never find your chocolate nor me". Plagg whined, making you laugh, you opened the letter given by your mother first-

Dear y/n

It's me your mother m/n (mother's name) how are you, dear, I hope everything is fine in the place you are living if you are wondering how I know your name then you may know that I had you as a kid with me, I wanted to give you a present I know you have that necklace but the stone in the other package, I can see the future so I knew a lot of things but could not tell anything because of my death it was my destiny, the stone you have with you will help you capture Xiong in it and he will be destroyed you have to find out who and from where Xiong came, the stone is made of emerald powers which were made by guardians. I miss you a lot sweety but you will always be in my heart, I hope you can protect the world.

The letter you read said it making you cry a bit but then you opened the other package to see the stone, while you were observing the stone eventually the doorbell rang startling you as you hid both items in the secret compartments locking everything away............

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