23| Love someone who doesn't love you back

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"Plagg tomorrow I am finally going to propose ladybug", I said going into deep slumber...........


It was morning and a Saturday, Chat noir called Ladybug on top of the Eiffel tower again, he had set up a nice breakfast for both of them, when Ladybug arrived she had closed her eyes just because he instructed her to do it, Chat held her hand directing her to sit on a chair, "you can open your eyes malady" he instructed and she did as told, Ladybug was surprised by the outcome she did not expect Chat noir to ask her out again! "Chat noir I thought there was an emergency", she groaned and he chuckled a bit "but malady, I wanted you to be my lover", he said handing her a rose which she denied by pushing it softly back to him, his smiling face dropped into a sad one, he felt ignored "I-I am, sorry", he said leaving the top of the great Eiffel tower, Ladybug tried to stop him but did not say anything. Y/n was reading a book on magical sources and medications which master Fu gave her, she heard a knock on her window, as she glanced at it she saw a heartbroken Chat noir, y/n rushed to him as he explained everything.

~after his explanation~

"Chat.....you know, Uhh.....someone told me this important thing, should I tell you", you said in a soothing tone as he nodded, "They ask how to die but not die physically, can you answer it?", "I don't know the answer", he replied. "Well even I did not know the answer first but now I know it, I said love someone who does not love you back, and maybe the one who you are meant to be with is just in front of you and you never noticed that person", you said trying to show him the right way and let her go, Chat smiled bitterly as tears stained his cheeks, y/n bought her hand close to his face with her thumb he wiped away the tears forming in his eyes and embraced him while all emotions washed over Chat noir, Chat kept repeating the words you told him "They ask how to die but not die physically, love someone who does not love you back", he said two three times until he was satisfied, "princess but I want someone who will be there for me, who will embrace me like you do or have a fun pun fight with me", he softly chuckled imagining it, "Chat whenever you need me I will be there for you, even in the darkest time", y/n replied petting him, "thankyou, really I mean it", he said as he drifted to sleep while you were still petting his soft fluffy blond hair.

In the evening Chat left since he had to go before his assistant would find out that he had disappeared, you sat on your chair which was near your desk, you began thinking about the present to give Adrien and an idea popped up in your head as your kwami yawned indolently you chuckled at her behavior, as you collected all your paint tubes brushes and the largest canvas you had and started sketching Adrien's face, you painted it with the smallest detail and lastly made a y/n charm for him since Mari took it away from Adrien it took you three weeks to complete everything and soon came his birthday since his father did not allow him to have a party in his mansion, you had an idea which you planned out.

~the day to go to school~

"Alya today we are gonna decorate the room", you whispered as she nodded "don't worry girl me and the crew are ready for it but who is gonna convince his father?", she questioned "leave that to me, I can sort it out", you said a smirk playing on your lips, since everything was planned out you freely entered the class, after writing down notes and experimenting all the classes were done, you walked home and plopped on your bed silently letting an exhausted sigh, then suddenly you got in action as you dressed up to meet Mr. Agreste, as you started walking on the sidewalk your heart started pounding as anxiety too over you, when you were in the front of the big gates of his house you cooled down a bit and rang the door bell "hi Natlie it is me y/n, I wanted to meet Mr. Agreste for a conversation if he could just take out 5 minutes out of his busy schedule It would be helpful", you said sounding convincing enough for her to open the gates "thanks", was your reply as you sheepishly gave a smile while Mr. Agreste approached you "good afternoon Mr. Agreste", you say filled with nervousness, "afternoon Ms. L/n, what brings you here", "well sir, I actually wanted your permission, I wanted you to permit Adrien to come to my house if it is possible", you replied looking at the back of his wall which reminded you of Hawkmoth, "fine, but I must not in trouble because of my son's behaviour Ms. L/n", he said in a intimidating voice, you nodded and left.

When you reached your house you met with Alya and the crew, everyone was holding big boxes which were filled with decorative items "hey guys, you came early, good thing the snacks are ready", you said greeting them, everyone started to gather around the backyard and started to decorate.

Y/n transformed into her alter-ego with her gift and she dropped it in Adrien's room under the sheets, she transformed back into herself as she entered her room, y/n gave a call to Adrien "hey Adrien, come to my house after fencing and don't worry I asked your dad so come straight to my house okay", you said on the phone as he answered with a yes but he was still confused.

Adrien's POV
The day I went to ask Ladybug to be mine I had a gut feeling and my feelings were trying to come out of the hiding spot, my gut was trying to tell me that she is not the one for me, and so was my heart trying to say that it seemed all confusing but my mind said that ladybug would love me even though I was wrong, I moved on now and I feel good about it but it still seems that my gut is trying to tell me who my loved one or soulmate is even though I cannot find her, it feels like I see her every day yet I am so blind to not see her, but I will find it out soon, for now, I am going to y/n's house........

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