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Maddy paced. She walked back and forth. Her heart was racing. It was pounding. It was jumping at her chest, beating against it. Her breaths were heavy, she felt like a stressed out bride before her wedding, but that was her wedding so she was a stressed out bride.

"Calm down Maddy. You're making a desert out of a grain of sand—"

"I'M TRYING TO! .... Sorry. This is just odd and I am so scared. What if I trip? What if I faint— what if I throw up? What will they think of me?" Maddy asked her emotions going crazy along with her levels of stress.

"Is everything okay?" A man asked softly, his head peeking out of the door.

"Beta Kyle, everything is fine. Just some pre-coronation nerves." Lily assured him.

"Hmm. Don't keep us waiting too long. Not everyone likes late—"

"Shut up. I'm busy," Lily snapped at him and he retreated back in.

"I don't thin—" Maddy continued ranting her insecurities, ranting that hadn't stopped even with Kyle's interruption.

"Calm down Maddy, you've got this," Lily encouraged her, holding both Maddy's hands and giving them a little squeeze.

"I've never been in front of a large crowd. What if they turn on me?"

"Then Xavier will rip them to shreds before they touch you. Stop worrying and go in there."

"That doesn't sound very nice."

"It isn't. So they better not touch you and if you don't hurry up he may gouge out their eyes so you don't have to worry about their stares. You shouldn't be worried at all, if anything they should be."

Maddy sighed and decided to get it over with.

She slowly walked towards the wooden doors. Her hands were shaking and tingly. Her stress was making her feel sick inside.

The giant doors parted inwards, their movements slow and gradual as they revealed the audience at a tortoise's pace.

Her eyes squeezed shut. She was too terrified to even glance at her surroundings. She could feel their stares and she was sure they were judging her in every aspect.

Her mind listed off all Lily's techniques. All ones she said she used to use as a child. She had said they worked but they were not exactly working.

Imagining the audience naked was failing. Instead she was imagining herself naked and that was even more terrifying. She could feel their gazes burning past her clothes and onto her skin.

Her eyes opened soon though, when she realised she was more likely to trip and embarrass herself more if she kept her eyes closed. She saw the steps nearing where Xavier waited expectantly. She could see him trying to keep his face completely straight and emotionless but he couldn't. The sides of his lips were pulling into a smile that he couldn't stop.

Why was he smiling? Was he about to laugh? Had she done something stupid?

She tried to ignore the thoughts as she walked up the stairs. She stared down at them, trying not to get tripped up in the floor length dress.

She stood in front of him. Her eyes down to the floor, her hands playing with each other.

"Relax," he whispered.

He held her hand and led her around, turning her to face the crowd. They didn't look nearly as angry or judgemental as she had expected. They looked more curious and excited.

Did they not know she was human? Could they not smell her scent or see her short height?

Guards were posted all around the room and were heavily concentrated at any exit. There was no hope of fleeing from the hall. There was no escape she had to face it.

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