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Maddy let out a long sigh feeling the cool lake water washing over her bare feet. The water glistened under the shade of the forest trees.

Sitting beside her was her guard who had been forced to follow the queen on her escapades to frustrate her mate. Honestly it was more fun running about and exploring outside than it was being trapped behind stone walls adhering to firm rules.

Being outside made her feel free again. It felt as if years had passed since she had been able to be herself and enjoy adventure without the worrying of her mate. Her stuck up mate who needed to keep up with change before it slapped him even harder in the face.

At least she had obtained freedom. Lily was very willing to come along with her just to spite her cousin. She loved him but she wasn't exactly on his team for the time being. She was a bouncer, she supported the side who seemed to have the more positive approach to mates, the approach she approved of best. It was her cousin's side when Maddy first arrived and now it had shifted to Maddy's side with her cousin's horrible behaviour.

"Its as if he thinks now that he has made it official he can do as it wishes," Lily groaned adding input to their discussion on talking behind Xavier's back.

"I really hope he finds out where we have been today. Right now I just want to push all his buttons and make him absolutely irritated but he can't do anything because it's still girls night until he apologizes," Maddy grinned smugly.

'Girls night' was a term that had come up in all those old movies she had watched with Xavier. It had appeared to mean a night of hanging out between girls to avoid guys and to vent their problems whilst having fun so they had been doing that. Although Lily had had to call in an extra girl for support during one of Maddy's periods of low when she was having withdrawals from not being with her mate. Being around a support system did help though. Especially with the new addition of Everly, who was a good addition to their group. She was eager to help support her and join in on the cuddling and consumption of lots of sweets and popcorn.

"Lily! Maddy! I got more marshmallows. Sorry. The kitchen ran out so I had to wait until they restocked," Everly said running to the duo with a picnic basket filled with marshmallows.

"Did he see you?" Lily asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep!" Everly said with a playful wink.

"And he did nothing. This is so frustrating!" Lily groaned.

"Well I guess he is trying in a way. We have managed to get in the forest without him stopping me. That counts for something," Maddy shrugged.

"Not enough though. You are a queen and you therefore have the right to rule beside him. Every queen before you ruled beside their king you should as well."

"I'm not concerned about that Lily. I just want him to talk to me and be honest with me. I don't really care about ruling. I just don't want secrets and I want to be consulted. I want him to come to me and ask me for help every once in a while," Maddy laughed.

"He should still give you the offer to rule beside him in all matters. It is extremely rude not to. I'd hate it if Kyle treated me like that. He talks to me about everything at night. He tells me about the meetings, hunts and whatever else even when Xavier and him found you in the alley and when he was tasked to follow you in the forest and you got attacked. He doesn't hold back. That's what a mate should be like," Everly said pointing a finger at Maddy and popping marshmallows in her mouth.

"Xavier used to be open—"

"Did he tell you anything? No," Lily shot her down immediately.

"Gah! This is so boring. I don't like this. I just want to see him!" Maddy yelled.

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